it's this grey ish stuff and it's stuck on it. it looks like it is bruise. It's been like this for maybe ovr 2 years. Is that alright?I have this stuff on my vagina lips and i want to know what it is.?
if its been there for 2 years and you're just now asking about it, its probably fine.I have this stuff on my vagina lips and i want to know what it is.?
Scrap a bit off and take it to a nearest lab for pathological tests and share the results with Doctors community online and......Joking.....just let it be there....resting in peace.....
go to doctor now
Monday, July 26, 2010
It's really hard to answer a question like this.These symptoms may or may not be linked together.If they are not linked, the chapped lips are probably due to the colder weather, as well as the blood when you blow your nose.Mucus membranes tend to dry out when the weather is dry or cold.Your head may be hurting when you blow your nose because you are blowing to hard.
FOR YOUR LIPS-in your palm mix a dab of carmex with 1 drop of pure tea tree oil, and apply a few times daily.
FOR YOUR NOSE-mix 1/4 teaspoon with 1 cup of luke warm water.Get a bulb squeezer(one used to suck out mucus from an infants nose). Fill bulb,bend over a sink but leave your head in upright position, insert bulb tip into your nostril,you don't have to put it in very far, then gently and slowly squeeze bulb into your nose. Do several times into each nostril.When you are done, tip you head down wards then to both side.This will flush your sinuses and moisten your mucus membranes,it will also wash out allergens and can help keep cold causing viruses from making you sick. Do several times daily, making sure the bulb is sterilized each time.
FOR YOUR DIZZINESS-you may be dehydrated,which could account for the chapped lips and blood when you blow your nose-but I would see a doctor about it.
Make sure you blow your nose gently, that should help with the headaches.If you continue having problems, see your doctor. You may want to make an appointment as a check up to let him/her know what's going on anyway.
It's really hard to answer a question like this.These symptoms may or may not be linked together.If they are not linked, the chapped lips are probably due to the colder weather, as well as the blood when you blow your nose.Mucus membranes tend to dry out when the weather is dry or cold.Your head may be hurting when you blow your nose because you are blowing to hard.
FOR YOUR LIPS-in your palm mix a dab of carmex with 1 drop of pure tea tree oil, and apply a few times daily.
FOR YOUR NOSE-mix 1/4 teaspoon with 1 cup of luke warm water.Get a bulb squeezer(one used to suck out mucus from an infants nose). Fill bulb,bend over a sink but leave your head in upright position, insert bulb tip into your nostril,you don't have to put it in very far, then gently and slowly squeeze bulb into your nose. Do several times into each nostril.When you are done, tip you head down wards then to both side.This will flush your sinuses and moisten your mucus membranes,it will also wash out allergens and can help keep cold causing viruses from making you sick. Do several times daily, making sure the bulb is sterilized each time.
FOR YOUR DIZZINESS-you may be dehydrated,which could account for the chapped lips and blood when you blow your nose-but I would see a doctor about it.
Make sure you blow your nose gently, that should help with the headaches.If you continue having problems, see your doctor. You may want to make an appointment as a check up to let him/her know what's going on anyway.
My lips have changed colour... how do i go back to normal?
i used to have reddish pink lips somehow they have changed to a dark brown pink purple colour.. i don't smoke or drink... what can i do to change the colour back to normalMy lips have changed colour... how do i go back to normal?
i hv a wonderful remedy for you. take a one tsp sugar (preferaly brown sugar) add one tea spoon honey, a little bit oil. and massage yr lips iwht this mix gently until the sugar becomes liquidy. and then wash it with cold water as you massage yr outer layer of the lip skin should be coming out. and then apply with a good moisturizer, you will hv wonderful lips in one week hMy lips have changed colour... how do i go back to normal?
for Beautification of Lips you Need to
Massage your lips with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy results.
Stay out of direct sunlight so much as possible (or stop using that color lipstick - if this is an April fool question).
wat george said, as well as drink LOTS of water!
i hv a wonderful remedy for you. take a one tsp sugar (preferaly brown sugar) add one tea spoon honey, a little bit oil. and massage yr lips iwht this mix gently until the sugar becomes liquidy. and then wash it with cold water as you massage yr outer layer of the lip skin should be coming out. and then apply with a good moisturizer, you will hv wonderful lips in one week hMy lips have changed colour... how do i go back to normal?
for Beautification of Lips you Need to
Massage your lips with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy results.
Stay out of direct sunlight so much as possible (or stop using that color lipstick - if this is an April fool question).
wat george said, as well as drink LOTS of water!
How do you get rid of chaped lips?
i get it every winter or when i am nervouse i trie to stop but i cant can you give me ome adviceHow do you get rid of chaped lips?
The creamy, medicated kind of Blistex helps the best.
Also, try using sunscreen or a creamy lipstick, and drink plenty of fluids to hydrate your lips.How do you get rid of chaped lips?
wear underpants
tube of chapped stick' or tube of coco butter
lipbalm, or like the person before me said, vaseline, always works!
..keep it moist.. ..i use nivea lip cream.. you can use any other lip balm to avoid chapped lips..
Time will do it, but prevent it with lip gloss, lip ointment and good old vaseline when the air is dry around you....
rub doggy doo doo on them...I guarantee you wont lick your lips.......good luck
try using vasiline, it always helps me. also the more you like your lips the worst it gets
Coco Butter Lip Balm
use chapstick- not exactly rocket science
i wear lipstick with moisturizer during the day time and i never get chapped lips. try it . its sure to help never mind even if you eat it, reapply again
some people use unsalted butter
olive oil
you can use vaseline or any cream you can pick up in your chemist/pharmacy/store or whatever!!
iof its really bad then go to the doc and see what he/she can do!! going to the doc doesnt have to involve a cancer scare!!! you can go for little annoying things like this, thats what you pay them for!!!
Vaseline does help. always use it before you go to bed. In the morning you need to exfoliate your lips, maybe with a new toothbrush to get the crusty skin off. But sometimes if you have crusty places on your lips it could also be yeast around your mouth and you have to use the antifungal cream around your lips.
Yea use vaslene it always works for me to or like use neosporeen and if it is realy bad use like the lip infusion, or take a hot wash rag. Or consider whereing nice casual scarf.
My mom is a Doctor and she sees this alot in kids. The thing you need to do is drink more water. The average person only drinks about 4 glasses a day. We should drink about 8-9. Drink at least 7 glasses of water a day for 1 week a your lips will be hydrated again. Also use chap stick, not the flavored kinda because that will create even more cracks in your lips. Use plain while drinking water and you should be fine.
ive lived in high altitude regions almost 75% of my life. The best thing is the Vicks Vaporub before u go to sleep, when u wake up just wash your lips normally. Then get som skin lotion y put some in your hand and kiss it. This will give the sensation that ur lips are wet but it will dry off in a few min. MOST importantly do not wet ur lips with u tongue, that just blows everything
I sue this really good stuff called softlips....its sold in the lip balm section but it works really good and it kinda looks like you have a light lip gloss on!! I love it! Good luck!!
Become single. lol.
chap stick
you truly don't get rid of chap lips. because with the weather that is constanly change you get them anytime of the year. i mainly get mine in the summer and winter. You buy chapsticks some places have diffrent flavors and desisins.
my area has where you can buy soda flover one such root beer, dr.pepper,mt dew and many other. you can also buy sun chap stick for the summer which is $2-$6 depending what spf you get.
Good old fashioned Chapstick works the best for me and it's relatively inexpensive. Lived in Montana most of my life and it gets cold and dry. Drink lots of water, and use a humidifier in your house. And don't lick or bite your lips.
I get chapped lips, too. There's some lip balm that can help, and I found out that lip balm that also acts as sunscreen for your lips helps a lot, too.
If you put lip balm on your lips, too (the unflavored kind, not the scented/flavored ones!), then you'll be less inclined to lick them. That only makes them more chapped, and no one wants to taste wax, so.
well same here.. do get chaped lips during the winter too.. i would always put on lip gloss espcially those glossy and sticky type but the best and the cheapest is still using vaseline.. i would always buy a bottle of it and put it in my bag and then i would like apply it on like every 30 mins... also drink more water and eat more fruits.... cheers!!! hope this works for you..
I bite off the peices sticking out my lips (even though that sometimes makes my lips bleed) then I put on chapstick. VUA-LAH!! Soft lips!! but you have to keep biting off the peices if they grow back. ;)
do not lick your lips, use vasaline, or go to a local drug store and look around for a good formula for chapped lips.
use lip balm and drink more waterengine oil
The creamy, medicated kind of Blistex helps the best.
Also, try using sunscreen or a creamy lipstick, and drink plenty of fluids to hydrate your lips.How do you get rid of chaped lips?
wear underpants
tube of chapped stick' or tube of coco butter
lipbalm, or like the person before me said, vaseline, always works!
..keep it moist.. ..i use nivea lip cream.. you can use any other lip balm to avoid chapped lips..
Time will do it, but prevent it with lip gloss, lip ointment and good old vaseline when the air is dry around you....
rub doggy doo doo on them...I guarantee you wont lick your lips.......good luck
try using vasiline, it always helps me. also the more you like your lips the worst it gets
Coco Butter Lip Balm
use chapstick- not exactly rocket science
i wear lipstick with moisturizer during the day time and i never get chapped lips. try it . its sure to help never mind even if you eat it, reapply again
some people use unsalted butter
olive oil
you can use vaseline or any cream you can pick up in your chemist/pharmacy/store or whatever!!
iof its really bad then go to the doc and see what he/she can do!! going to the doc doesnt have to involve a cancer scare!!! you can go for little annoying things like this, thats what you pay them for!!!
Vaseline does help. always use it before you go to bed. In the morning you need to exfoliate your lips, maybe with a new toothbrush to get the crusty skin off. But sometimes if you have crusty places on your lips it could also be yeast around your mouth and you have to use the antifungal cream around your lips.
Yea use vaslene it always works for me to or like use neosporeen and if it is realy bad use like the lip infusion, or take a hot wash rag. Or consider whereing nice casual scarf.
My mom is a Doctor and she sees this alot in kids. The thing you need to do is drink more water. The average person only drinks about 4 glasses a day. We should drink about 8-9. Drink at least 7 glasses of water a day for 1 week a your lips will be hydrated again. Also use chap stick, not the flavored kinda because that will create even more cracks in your lips. Use plain while drinking water and you should be fine.
ive lived in high altitude regions almost 75% of my life. The best thing is the Vicks Vaporub before u go to sleep, when u wake up just wash your lips normally. Then get som skin lotion y put some in your hand and kiss it. This will give the sensation that ur lips are wet but it will dry off in a few min. MOST importantly do not wet ur lips with u tongue, that just blows everything
I sue this really good stuff called softlips....its sold in the lip balm section but it works really good and it kinda looks like you have a light lip gloss on!! I love it! Good luck!!
Become single. lol.
chap stick
you truly don't get rid of chap lips. because with the weather that is constanly change you get them anytime of the year. i mainly get mine in the summer and winter. You buy chapsticks some places have diffrent flavors and desisins.
my area has where you can buy soda flover one such root beer, dr.pepper,mt dew and many other. you can also buy sun chap stick for the summer which is $2-$6 depending what spf you get.
Good old fashioned Chapstick works the best for me and it's relatively inexpensive. Lived in Montana most of my life and it gets cold and dry. Drink lots of water, and use a humidifier in your house. And don't lick or bite your lips.
I get chapped lips, too. There's some lip balm that can help, and I found out that lip balm that also acts as sunscreen for your lips helps a lot, too.
If you put lip balm on your lips, too (the unflavored kind, not the scented/flavored ones!), then you'll be less inclined to lick them. That only makes them more chapped, and no one wants to taste wax, so.
well same here.. do get chaped lips during the winter too.. i would always put on lip gloss espcially those glossy and sticky type but the best and the cheapest is still using vaseline.. i would always buy a bottle of it and put it in my bag and then i would like apply it on like every 30 mins... also drink more water and eat more fruits.... cheers!!! hope this works for you..
I bite off the peices sticking out my lips (even though that sometimes makes my lips bleed) then I put on chapstick. VUA-LAH!! Soft lips!! but you have to keep biting off the peices if they grow back. ;)
do not lick your lips, use vasaline, or go to a local drug store and look around for a good formula for chapped lips.
use lip balm and drink more water
Anything home-made for naturally rosy-pink lips?
Please suggest a simple but effective way 2 have healthy pink lips..Anything home-made for naturally rosy-pink lips?
well....rubbing lemon can b useful try it..Anything home-made for naturally rosy-pink lips?
apply lipbalm daily before you sleep. Try nivea products for lip care. they work wonders.
tyk smooches 4m yr bf ..... seriously it works !!!!!
rose water
use a quick knife on ur lips
well....rubbing lemon can b useful try it..Anything home-made for naturally rosy-pink lips?
apply lipbalm daily before you sleep. Try nivea products for lip care. they work wonders.
tyk smooches 4m yr bf ..... seriously it works !!!!!
rose water
use a quick knife on ur lips
Which kiss is more rapture on the lips or on the nipple?
Lips, def. It's the most intimate place to kiss a woman.Which kiss is more rapture on the lips or on the nipple?
No idea...Which kiss is more rapture on the lips or on the nipple?
Both at the same time.
Never been kissed in either so IDk... Strange
o.0 weirdo... o_o what the heck!?
No idea...Which kiss is more rapture on the lips or on the nipple?
Both at the same time.
Never been kissed in either so IDk... Strange
o.0 weirdo... o_o what the heck!?
Biting lips/inside of mouth exccessively. Do you do it too? Could it have a bad-longterm side-effect?
i bite my lips until it hurts a bit later and a scab ahs formed by the next day..and sometimes until i bleed. doing it more often until i bleed now. also ahppens to the inside of my mouth-sometimes so much also until a i bleed a lil. do u do it too?and/or can it be seriously bad for u in the long-run somehow?Biting lips/inside of mouth exccessively. Do you do it too? Could it have a bad-longterm side-effect?
I used to chew the heck out of the insides of my mouth until my dentist noticed it and asked me what has me so full of anxiety. Some time later, I saw a doctor for a regular check up, and told him what the dentist had said. He asked me other questions, and after some heart tests for occasional racing heart, he prescribed me two meds. Turns out I had anxiety AND depression.
My dentist also mentioned that oral cancer appears more often in areas where the tissue has been damaged by habitual biting.Biting lips/inside of mouth exccessively. Do you do it too? Could it have a bad-longterm side-effect?
now I'm doing it too. It's kinda like teeth grinding- caused by stress. The place I usually bite has a little bit thicker skin now.
Yea i do it also, i was doing it right before i read this question...wierd...mine doesnt bleed but you could tell i bite it i dont think it would be bad, only side effect will be the scars.I dont know though, i asked about this before and didnt get much.
Well im doing it 2 and i dont think it will have longterm side-effect's but if you do get a answer thad say it will give you long term side-effect's plz let me know
I used to chew the heck out of the insides of my mouth until my dentist noticed it and asked me what has me so full of anxiety. Some time later, I saw a doctor for a regular check up, and told him what the dentist had said. He asked me other questions, and after some heart tests for occasional racing heart, he prescribed me two meds. Turns out I had anxiety AND depression.
My dentist also mentioned that oral cancer appears more often in areas where the tissue has been damaged by habitual biting.Biting lips/inside of mouth exccessively. Do you do it too? Could it have a bad-longterm side-effect?
now I'm doing it too. It's kinda like teeth grinding- caused by stress. The place I usually bite has a little bit thicker skin now.
Yea i do it also, i was doing it right before i read this question...wierd...mine doesnt bleed but you could tell i bite it i dont think it would be bad, only side effect will be the scars.I dont know though, i asked about this before and didnt get much.
Well im doing it 2 and i dont think it will have longterm side-effect's but if you do get a answer thad say it will give you long term side-effect's plz let me know
My lips swelled ,then turned black after sleeping in a motel?
over a month ago,they are still black and tender--could it be a reaction from the sheets?-nothing else was differentMy lips swelled ,then turned black after sleeping in a motel?
yeah seriously u have GOT to get to the doctor!My lips swelled ,then turned black after sleeping in a motel?
Go to a usually means dead tissue.
That is messed up. Instead of trying to self-diagnosis, go to a doctor.
yeah seriously u have GOT to get to the doctor!My lips swelled ,then turned black after sleeping in a motel?
Go to a usually means dead tissue.
That is messed up. Instead of trying to self-diagnosis, go to a doctor.
Travis the Monkey ripped off that ladies lips, nose,eyelids and hands ?
no joke.. his owner is being sued for 50 million.. Should Travis be shot again ?
your thoughts on that story ?Travis the Monkey ripped off that ladies lips, nose,eyelids and hands ?
Things like that are bound to happen.Wild animals were not put on this earth to be pets or circus performers, so I'm never really surprised when it occurs. I do feel bad for the woman who was hurt, it should have been the woman who kept the Monkey as a pet. What a wacko she was! Good luck getting $50 million, like that will ever happen.Travis the Monkey ripped off that ladies lips, nose,eyelids and hands ?
Adult chimps are NOT safe to keep as pets! There was another similar incident some years ago where a group of captive male chimps escaped from their enclosure and attacked their owners/caretakers. The most aggressive chimp attacked this man and bit off his nose and tore chunks out of his @$$. They also attack the genitalia.
I just feel really sorry for that lady. It should be about her, not the chimp or the owner. Usually, i'd think 50 mil too much, but not in this case.
Yeah, but he couldn't steal her dignity! How will she whipe and change the Cotton Pony, though?
Don't keep something that should be free as a pet.............Meg
Put the owner in a monkey compound as the monkeys pet...........Joe
I heard about it.
And yes I think that monkey shouldn't live. If people say ';Animals don't think'; Same for humans who get life sentences. They don't think either.
whatever dumbass that tried to tame a wild animal deserves to be shot.......
The friend KNEW she had a wild animal for years.
Not the victim's fault, but .....
Oh Gruesome! Is it the friend thats suing? Wu told her 2 get close?
the owner should be shot
she is sick
It's really freaky.
I'm not so fond of monkey's anymore.
Very sad...
when will people learn that you cant domesticate chimps.
it grosses me out to think about it.
travis was allergic to her hair spray.. and went into a fit!!
What sane person would keep a big wild animal in their house...??
your thoughts on that story ?Travis the Monkey ripped off that ladies lips, nose,eyelids and hands ?
Things like that are bound to happen.Wild animals were not put on this earth to be pets or circus performers, so I'm never really surprised when it occurs. I do feel bad for the woman who was hurt, it should have been the woman who kept the Monkey as a pet. What a wacko she was! Good luck getting $50 million, like that will ever happen.Travis the Monkey ripped off that ladies lips, nose,eyelids and hands ?
Adult chimps are NOT safe to keep as pets! There was another similar incident some years ago where a group of captive male chimps escaped from their enclosure and attacked their owners/caretakers. The most aggressive chimp attacked this man and bit off his nose and tore chunks out of his @$$. They also attack the genitalia.
I just feel really sorry for that lady. It should be about her, not the chimp or the owner. Usually, i'd think 50 mil too much, but not in this case.
Yeah, but he couldn't steal her dignity! How will she whipe and change the Cotton Pony, though?
Don't keep something that should be free as a pet.............Meg
Put the owner in a monkey compound as the monkeys pet...........Joe
I heard about it.
And yes I think that monkey shouldn't live. If people say ';Animals don't think'; Same for humans who get life sentences. They don't think either.
whatever dumbass that tried to tame a wild animal deserves to be shot.......
The friend KNEW she had a wild animal for years.
Not the victim's fault, but .....
Oh Gruesome! Is it the friend thats suing? Wu told her 2 get close?
the owner should be shot
she is sick
It's really freaky.
I'm not so fond of monkey's anymore.
Very sad...
when will people learn that you cant domesticate chimps.
it grosses me out to think about it.
travis was allergic to her hair spray.. and went into a fit!!
What sane person would keep a big wild animal in their house...??
How do i stop biting my lips?
Help me out of this habit.
When i get nervous or embarrassed i always bite my lips.
Like i bite the skin off.
and alot of the time it bite so hard and so much that my lips bleed.
How can i stop this?
Also answer my other question please.;_ylt=AqMc_sUO7KQzN4id48IbmX3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090302094206AAHi56nHow do i stop biting my lips?
Put vasoline or something that tastes bad on your lips. So you will be less willing to do it. Or try biting your finger nails instead.How do i stop biting my lips?
Try biting your teeth down instead. Can you answer my question about lips.;鈥?/a>
When i get nervous or embarrassed i always bite my lips.
Like i bite the skin off.
and alot of the time it bite so hard and so much that my lips bleed.
How can i stop this?
Also answer my other question please.;_ylt=AqMc_sUO7KQzN4id48IbmX3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090302094206AAHi56nHow do i stop biting my lips?
Put vasoline or something that tastes bad on your lips. So you will be less willing to do it. Or try biting your finger nails instead.How do i stop biting my lips?
Try biting your teeth down instead. Can you answer my question about lips.;鈥?/a>
I need a good lip treatment for dry chapped lips?
since its getting colder out, my lips are getting more chapped, and when i put my lipgloss on it doesnt help. so I wanted to try the smashbox one and was gonna see if anyone has tried it yet?鈥?/a>I need a good lip treatment for dry chapped lips?
i bought a hello kitty lipbalm from claires
(orange flavoured)
and it has saved me!!
try a new unused toothbrush with vaseline on, to exfoliate lips after a day out, and try to wear a scarf over
your mouth as much as pissible ^o^
HOPE I HELPED xoxoI need a good lip treatment for dry chapped lips?
I use the little pots of Vaseline Lip Therapy - get the one in the yellow and white pot with SP15; It makes your lips feel like silk. I put it on every night before I go to bed and several times during the day if I am just lazing around at home.
When you are doing your makeup I would put it on your lips first - do the rest of your makeup and do your lips last to give it chance to absorb. I like to apply it liberally and then wipe any excess off with my fingers prior to applying lip gloss.
In the UK you can get this from Superdrug.
Lush have really great lip balms and because they are made form all natural ingrediants there are no harsh chemical that could dry out lips (some chep lip balms actually end up doing this)
another good option is burt's bees.
an intensive balm is elizabeth arden eight hour cream which is pricy but worth it.
Use vaseline. it's just white petroleum jelly. It works amazingly. you can get it a little tubs, or if you live in the states, you can get little tubes. it also gives your lips a glossy look, since you seem to like lip gloss.
Pure, organic, unrefined shea works amazing. It has a lot of uses. You can buy it for a good price on ebay. Trustworthy sellers selling a quality shea butter get it imported from Africa.
well have you tried using the medicated chap stick? it doesn't have as good as flavor as lip gloss but it does better for your lips. i suggest Carmex.
sally hansen peptide lip treatment.
dont use lip gloss, it makes it worse.
i bought a hello kitty lipbalm from claires
(orange flavoured)
and it has saved me!!
try a new unused toothbrush with vaseline on, to exfoliate lips after a day out, and try to wear a scarf over
your mouth as much as pissible ^o^
HOPE I HELPED xoxoI need a good lip treatment for dry chapped lips?
I use the little pots of Vaseline Lip Therapy - get the one in the yellow and white pot with SP15; It makes your lips feel like silk. I put it on every night before I go to bed and several times during the day if I am just lazing around at home.
When you are doing your makeup I would put it on your lips first - do the rest of your makeup and do your lips last to give it chance to absorb. I like to apply it liberally and then wipe any excess off with my fingers prior to applying lip gloss.
In the UK you can get this from Superdrug.
Lush have really great lip balms and because they are made form all natural ingrediants there are no harsh chemical that could dry out lips (some chep lip balms actually end up doing this)
another good option is burt's bees.
an intensive balm is elizabeth arden eight hour cream which is pricy but worth it.
Use vaseline. it's just white petroleum jelly. It works amazingly. you can get it a little tubs, or if you live in the states, you can get little tubes. it also gives your lips a glossy look, since you seem to like lip gloss.
Pure, organic, unrefined shea works amazing. It has a lot of uses. You can buy it for a good price on ebay. Trustworthy sellers selling a quality shea butter get it imported from Africa.
well have you tried using the medicated chap stick? it doesn't have as good as flavor as lip gloss but it does better for your lips. i suggest Carmex.
sally hansen peptide lip treatment.
dont use lip gloss, it makes it worse.
Is it a rash on my lips?
There are patches on my lips that a real red with a plasticy texture and when i rub my lips together it feels gritty. There are also needle point size bumps and after the first couple days some slight peeling. Is there anyone out there with similar symptoms or any insight at all?Is it a rash on my lips?
You might have cranker sores. They go away after awhile
You might have cranker sores. They go away after awhile
My 2-year-old bearded dragon hardly ever eats unless i open his lips and put food in. Is this normal?
No, first recheck your husbandry Is his UV light fresh? as they lose their UV strength fairly fast. Usually cooler temps %26amp; or lack of proper UV causes them not to slow down and not want to eat. Along w/ internal parasites.
You could bring a sample of his poop to a vet for a smear %26amp; float just to check and see if he has any pinworms or any other parasite. they only charge for the tests %26amp; meds if any are required, not an office visit.
if you live in a warm climate, on a warm day try putting him in the direct sun for natural UV rays. If that doesn't help and his enclosure temps %26amp; UV are up to par, take him in for a check up. If the vet cant find anything wrong with him, I'd chock it up to brumating.
Brumation is a repitles version of hybernation. Beardies sometimes do this when it starts getting colder.My 2-year-old bearded dragon hardly ever eats unless i open his lips and put food in. Is this normal?
you're very welcome. good luck with your beardie Report Abuse
My 2-year-old bearded dragon hardly ever eats unless i open his lips and put food in. Is this normal?
Popular feeder insects include crickets, roaches, locusts, silkworms, hornworms, butterworms, and phoenix worms[5]. The mealworm has a fairly hard chitin (exoskeleton) and is generally low in the ';meat to chitin'; ratio, as well as having a poor calcium/phosphorus ratio, making it far less nutritious than other feeder insects[6]. Chitin is hard enough that large amounts of it can cause impaction in the Bearded Dragon's digestion system, and can lead to death, especially in younger and smaller animals. Waxworms and superworms can be given as a treat, but sparingly as in most cases as they are extremely fatty, and in some cases very addictive, although they can be useful in building-up an undernourished individual. The rule of thumb on feeder insects is that the food fed to the animal must not be larger than the space between the eyes; feeding something larger could make it hard for the animal to swallow the food and can lead to the aforementioned fatal impaction
Ha ha ha its not a dog silly
A) That is not normal.
My guess is your not keeping his terrarium warm enough or he has some parasites causing the lack of appetite.
no it's not normal have the poor dog checked.
You could bring a sample of his poop to a vet for a smear %26amp; float just to check and see if he has any pinworms or any other parasite. they only charge for the tests %26amp; meds if any are required, not an office visit.
if you live in a warm climate, on a warm day try putting him in the direct sun for natural UV rays. If that doesn't help and his enclosure temps %26amp; UV are up to par, take him in for a check up. If the vet cant find anything wrong with him, I'd chock it up to brumating.
Brumation is a repitles version of hybernation. Beardies sometimes do this when it starts getting colder.My 2-year-old bearded dragon hardly ever eats unless i open his lips and put food in. Is this normal?
you're very welcome. good luck with your beardie Report Abuse
My 2-year-old bearded dragon hardly ever eats unless i open his lips and put food in. Is this normal?
Popular feeder insects include crickets, roaches, locusts, silkworms, hornworms, butterworms, and phoenix worms[5]. The mealworm has a fairly hard chitin (exoskeleton) and is generally low in the ';meat to chitin'; ratio, as well as having a poor calcium/phosphorus ratio, making it far less nutritious than other feeder insects[6]. Chitin is hard enough that large amounts of it can cause impaction in the Bearded Dragon's digestion system, and can lead to death, especially in younger and smaller animals. Waxworms and superworms can be given as a treat, but sparingly as in most cases as they are extremely fatty, and in some cases very addictive, although they can be useful in building-up an undernourished individual. The rule of thumb on feeder insects is that the food fed to the animal must not be larger than the space between the eyes; feeding something larger could make it hard for the animal to swallow the food and can lead to the aforementioned fatal impaction
Ha ha ha its not a dog silly
A) That is not normal.
My guess is your not keeping his terrarium warm enough or he has some parasites causing the lack of appetite.
no it's not normal have the poor dog checked.
Is it ok for a father to kiss his 15yo son on the lips?
my husband kisses my 15yo step son on the lips. im not sure if ok or not...Is it ok for a father to kiss his 15yo son on the lips?
As long as there is no tongue involved it should be just fine.
CoachIs it ok for a father to kiss his 15yo son on the lips?
personally, i think it is very weird. and kinda creepy
I used to work at a retail store a few years ago in Washington State, and have seen fathers kiss their sons on their lips before. It threw me the first time I saw it, but it was more common than I thought at first. A large part of the community was Eastern European, and their culture differs from ours. Nothing inappropriate was going on, and even though I'd never kiss my father on the lips (or at all for that matter, an awkward hug is all I need) if that's what works in their culture and it's not hurting the kids, then it's their free right.
If your husband isn't doing it inappropriately, and your son doesn't have an issue with it, then there is no problem. If your son minds, then ask your husband to stop.
It is not OK. Some people are more affectionate than others, yet kissing a stepson on the lips, especially considering that he's a teenager now, is wrong. Be careful, your husband might be a predator who married you to get to your son.
thats kinda weird. if he did a peck then that fine but if he actually kissed him, then thats just wrong
What the **** kind of society do we live in where people think there's something sexual about a little sign of paternal affection? You people make me sick. Go gossip about your neighbours or whatever the hell else you pathetic, mindless sheep do.
Sure why not, as long as it is a father son kiss. And nothing more than that. It is his son. Nothing is wrong with affection.
I think it's an italian or Aegean thing.
some people are brought up like long as it is a peck and that's it.
as strange as it seems it is okay for some cultures and families.
i personally think it is wierd, but that is cause i had a wierd up bringing.
If it is a quick peck, sure, why not???
I will kiss my son on the lips when he is a man in 18 years...I love him to death. As long as it is short and sweet in a loving parent type of way, not a creepy way.
Nope, it's not ok. That's just plain and simple, wrong.
nooooooooooo on the head is oaky tell ur husband this
as long as it does not involve hands or tounges because when it does someone is homo
sure as long as it is a quick peck nothing wrong with it LoL.
I think it's fine for a parent to kiss their child on the lips... our society has been ruined of this because some horrible people taking innocent things and crossing the line with them. A quick peck on the lips is okay, there is and should be a difference in the way you kiss your child and how you kiss your mate.
Yes. It's o.k. And frankly, I find it touching when men do this. A lot of men in my family come from a very traditional upbringing and kissing male relatives on the lips is a very strong sign of love, respect, and family unity.
Not only is it's extremely healthy.
i personally think that shouldn't be done...
No Not at all.
Does he use his tongue, or put his hands
on his leg when he does it?
Even if not, it's pretty creepy. I would say it
is NOT ok. Maybe a bj now and then, but that's
where it should stop!
As long as there is no tongue involved it should be just fine.
CoachIs it ok for a father to kiss his 15yo son on the lips?
personally, i think it is very weird. and kinda creepy
I used to work at a retail store a few years ago in Washington State, and have seen fathers kiss their sons on their lips before. It threw me the first time I saw it, but it was more common than I thought at first. A large part of the community was Eastern European, and their culture differs from ours. Nothing inappropriate was going on, and even though I'd never kiss my father on the lips (or at all for that matter, an awkward hug is all I need) if that's what works in their culture and it's not hurting the kids, then it's their free right.
If your husband isn't doing it inappropriately, and your son doesn't have an issue with it, then there is no problem. If your son minds, then ask your husband to stop.
It is not OK. Some people are more affectionate than others, yet kissing a stepson on the lips, especially considering that he's a teenager now, is wrong. Be careful, your husband might be a predator who married you to get to your son.
thats kinda weird. if he did a peck then that fine but if he actually kissed him, then thats just wrong
What the **** kind of society do we live in where people think there's something sexual about a little sign of paternal affection? You people make me sick. Go gossip about your neighbours or whatever the hell else you pathetic, mindless sheep do.
Sure why not, as long as it is a father son kiss. And nothing more than that. It is his son. Nothing is wrong with affection.
I think it's an italian or Aegean thing.
some people are brought up like long as it is a peck and that's it.
as strange as it seems it is okay for some cultures and families.
i personally think it is wierd, but that is cause i had a wierd up bringing.
If it is a quick peck, sure, why not???
I will kiss my son on the lips when he is a man in 18 years...I love him to death. As long as it is short and sweet in a loving parent type of way, not a creepy way.
Nope, it's not ok. That's just plain and simple, wrong.
nooooooooooo on the head is oaky tell ur husband this
as long as it does not involve hands or tounges because when it does someone is homo
sure as long as it is a quick peck nothing wrong with it LoL.
I think it's fine for a parent to kiss their child on the lips... our society has been ruined of this because some horrible people taking innocent things and crossing the line with them. A quick peck on the lips is okay, there is and should be a difference in the way you kiss your child and how you kiss your mate.
Yes. It's o.k. And frankly, I find it touching when men do this. A lot of men in my family come from a very traditional upbringing and kissing male relatives on the lips is a very strong sign of love, respect, and family unity.
Not only is it's extremely healthy.
i personally think that shouldn't be done...
No Not at all.
Does he use his tongue, or put his hands
on his leg when he does it?
Even if not, it's pretty creepy. I would say it
is NOT ok. Maybe a bj now and then, but that's
where it should stop!
If you gain weight, can your lips get fatter?
I have gained some weight, and I just noticed how much fuller my lips (mouth) look. is that possible to gain weight in your lips?If you gain weight, can your lips get fatter?
Yes. When you gain weight, you recieve excess skin. It is possible for your lips to also gain some some excess weight. Don't worry about it.If you gain weight, can your lips get fatter?
E-mail Angeline Jolie!engine oil
Yes. When you gain weight, you recieve excess skin. It is possible for your lips to also gain some some excess weight. Don't worry about it.If you gain weight, can your lips get fatter?
E-mail Angeline Jolie!
Where can i get the armani lips shirt online, that has been in all the ads?
preferably the black oneWhere can i get the armani lips shirt online, that has been in all the ads?
Just type in armani on the search and it should take to right to it.
Just type in armani on the search and it should take to right to it.
I have dark pigmentation surrounding my do i get rid of it permanently?
dark, visible,ugly.....I have dark pigmentation surrounding my do i get rid of it permanently?
The good news is there are several things you can do that will work wonders. The only down side is most of them are pretty expensive. I suggest going to a dermatologist or a skin spa like I use and speaking with a professional about what would be best for your skin. Some of the methods are less expensive but it will take several treatments to see results. I recently purchased a package for the IPL photofacial. I got a good deal for 3 treatments at $800. It is specialized in reducing the signs of sun damage like sun spots and even age spots. I am including a link to the place I go so you can read more about it. I have seen some before and after pics and it is truley amazing. I can't wait to try it out. If that is too pricey for you maybe microdermabrasion or corrective skin peels would be the way to go. Neither of these hurt, btw.
The good news is there are several things you can do that will work wonders. The only down side is most of them are pretty expensive. I suggest going to a dermatologist or a skin spa like I use and speaking with a professional about what would be best for your skin. Some of the methods are less expensive but it will take several treatments to see results. I recently purchased a package for the IPL photofacial. I got a good deal for 3 treatments at $800. It is specialized in reducing the signs of sun damage like sun spots and even age spots. I am including a link to the place I go so you can read more about it. I have seen some before and after pics and it is truley amazing. I can't wait to try it out. If that is too pricey for you maybe microdermabrasion or corrective skin peels would be the way to go. Neither of these hurt, btw.
When you have had a severe case of fever blisters, what does it take to regain your mellon back in your lips?
What is mellon?When you have had a severe case of fever blisters, what does it take to regain your mellon back in your lips?
are you talking about hte melatonin? the coloration? It depends on how severe the breakout and how fast you heal and if you scare easily. There really is no way someone can tell you when your lips will look right again. There are too many variables to take into account.When you have had a severe case of fever blisters, what does it take to regain your mellon back in your lips?
Time will pretty much take care of the problem. I have had some severe cases and the color always comes back. It just sometimes takes a little longer.
are you talking about hte melatonin? the coloration? It depends on how severe the breakout and how fast you heal and if you scare easily. There really is no way someone can tell you when your lips will look right again. There are too many variables to take into account.When you have had a severe case of fever blisters, what does it take to regain your mellon back in your lips?
Time will pretty much take care of the problem. I have had some severe cases and the color always comes back. It just sometimes takes a little longer.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul what are the lips?
The doorway to your heart.If the eyes are the windows to the soul what are the lips?
the sinker of ships. (if they're ';loose';)
ships being a metaphor for many things.. like lives, trust, friendships, information.. so on.If the eyes are the windows to the soul what are the lips?
hey karen.... the gateway to your jeans...... boom boom..... my sense of humour means no offence.... if so sorry in advance..
The door.
Food portal
a keyhole.
the sinker of ships. (if they're ';loose';)
ships being a metaphor for many things.. like lives, trust, friendships, information.. so on.If the eyes are the windows to the soul what are the lips?
hey karen.... the gateway to your jeans...... boom boom..... my sense of humour means no offence.... if so sorry in advance..
The door.
Food portal
a keyhole.
If I had crooked eyes, bigs lips, and had the voice of a dieing goat would you be my friend?
just a poll i thought up in my stranged twisted mind..If I had crooked eyes, bigs lips, and had the voice of a dieing goat would you be my friend?
haha yea just so i can hear the sound of your voice :)If I had crooked eyes, bigs lips, and had the voice of a dieing goat would you be my friend?
Yes, to make me feel better about my looks.
big lips are hot on girls but the rest .. no.... i would avoid you at all costs...
Girl I've been looking for you my whole life!!! :) For your twisted mind of course LOL! Love the dieing goat thing, that's seriously creative!
HAHAHAHAH, yeaa I don't judge my friends by looks.
Yes..if your funny :]
haha yea just so i can hear the sound of your voice :)If I had crooked eyes, bigs lips, and had the voice of a dieing goat would you be my friend?
Yes, to make me feel better about my looks.
big lips are hot on girls but the rest .. no.... i would avoid you at all costs...
Girl I've been looking for you my whole life!!! :) For your twisted mind of course LOL! Love the dieing goat thing, that's seriously creative!
HAHAHAHAH, yeaa I don't judge my friends by looks.
Yes..if your funny :]
My bf is 29yo but he still kisses his mom on the lips. Your thoughts?
He said since he was a baby, his mom kisses him on the lips, just a smack but I find it weird. Why on the lips and not on the cheeks..My bf is 29yo but he still kisses his mom on the lips. Your thoughts?
Ugh! Pretty gross. Why indeed! I can't give you a reason, as it's beyond my ability to understand why someone his age would still have lip to lip contact with his mother.My bf is 29yo but he still kisses his mom on the lips. Your thoughts?
This is a weird thing to think about.
Why his mother is allowing to be kissed?
May be she is treating him as replica of her husband?
What happened to his Father?
What I find weird is that you have such an issue over it. It's just his mum, who cares. There's nothing sexual about it or anything to worry about.
I dont think its weird, some familys are like this. I kiss my mum but im a 26yr women. Every family is diff, try not too worry about it.
are you jealous???
i reckon its sweet. it shows he cares for his mom.
when you have children u will probably want them to do that too.
i hear banjo'sengine oil
Ugh! Pretty gross. Why indeed! I can't give you a reason, as it's beyond my ability to understand why someone his age would still have lip to lip contact with his mother.My bf is 29yo but he still kisses his mom on the lips. Your thoughts?
This is a weird thing to think about.
Why his mother is allowing to be kissed?
May be she is treating him as replica of her husband?
What happened to his Father?
What I find weird is that you have such an issue over it. It's just his mum, who cares. There's nothing sexual about it or anything to worry about.
I dont think its weird, some familys are like this. I kiss my mum but im a 26yr women. Every family is diff, try not too worry about it.
are you jealous???
i reckon its sweet. it shows he cares for his mom.
when you have children u will probably want them to do that too.
i hear banjo's
Do you kiss on the lips when the priest (catholic) during mass says ';go forth to share that peace';?
Sometimes I can not wait to kiss in this bad because I feel
sensual about it... oh, I only kiss one person around me.Do you kiss on the lips when the priest (catholic) during mass says ';go forth to share that peace';?
I shake hands with strangers or acquaintances, hug my family/family friends, and kiss my mom and dad on the cheek. But then again, I don't have anyone I would kiss on the lips at Mass!Do you kiss on the lips when the priest (catholic) during mass says ';go forth to share that peace';?
I do with my husband and my son, but I wouldn't with anyone else. I shake hands with those around me and I only make an effort because people expect it.
And you never know what kind of diseases might be lurking with those you don't know. I don't even take the wine because of that.
With our family, we share the kiss of peace. With other people at mass, we share the sign of peace, a handshake and a smile. Pax Christi.
Best to shake hands or hug.
I think most people can wait an hour to kiss someone until after church.
it's share SOME SIGN of peace and you are not supposed to kiss anyone - that is not mandated nor even recommended. it's called a hand Shake at best!
I don't bend that way.
What? Kissing in church? Yeah,that's some good morals right htere
that's kind of creepy I think
No, usually we shake hands at my church....
sensual about it... oh, I only kiss one person around me.Do you kiss on the lips when the priest (catholic) during mass says ';go forth to share that peace';?
I shake hands with strangers or acquaintances, hug my family/family friends, and kiss my mom and dad on the cheek. But then again, I don't have anyone I would kiss on the lips at Mass!Do you kiss on the lips when the priest (catholic) during mass says ';go forth to share that peace';?
I do with my husband and my son, but I wouldn't with anyone else. I shake hands with those around me and I only make an effort because people expect it.
And you never know what kind of diseases might be lurking with those you don't know. I don't even take the wine because of that.
With our family, we share the kiss of peace. With other people at mass, we share the sign of peace, a handshake and a smile. Pax Christi.
Best to shake hands or hug.
I think most people can wait an hour to kiss someone until after church.
it's share SOME SIGN of peace and you are not supposed to kiss anyone - that is not mandated nor even recommended. it's called a hand Shake at best!
I don't bend that way.
What? Kissing in church? Yeah,that's some good morals right htere
that's kind of creepy I think
No, usually we shake hands at my church....
What is the best way to give a first kiss... Position of lips and everything. it is my first to.....?
it should come natural but put your lower lip in between hers. but like i said it should come naturally. dont pay too much attention to it.What is the best way to give a first kiss... Position of lips and everything. it is my first to.....?
just do it! i didnt get my first real kiss till like 4 months ago... it just happens...if you are scared of missing open your eyesWhat is the best way to give a first kiss... Position of lips and everything. it is my first to.....?
well...its kinda hard to explain how to kiss. if yall are both ready, then let him/her go first..and just kinda follow what they do. i was nervous when i had my first kiss forever ago...but i just did what he did...and i learned from that. it wasnt that bad at all. i promise! good luck.
Go with the flow
The best way to kiss is when u turn your head sideways while yo girls mouth is straight. Then put your tounge in her mouth and french kiss.
just do it! i didnt get my first real kiss till like 4 months ago... it just happens...if you are scared of missing open your eyesWhat is the best way to give a first kiss... Position of lips and everything. it is my first to.....?
well...its kinda hard to explain how to kiss. if yall are both ready, then let him/her go first..and just kinda follow what they do. i was nervous when i had my first kiss forever ago...but i just did what he did...and i learned from that. it wasnt that bad at all. i promise! good luck.
Go with the flow
The best way to kiss is when u turn your head sideways while yo girls mouth is straight. Then put your tounge in her mouth and french kiss.
Do guys like Eyes or Lips better?
Guys, are you more attracted to a girl with pretty eyes or pretty lips and teeth? Which do you look at more, the eyes or the mouth?Do guys like Eyes or Lips better?
A.T. CunninghamDo guys like Eyes or Lips better?
I believe i like girls with beautiful eyes.
SInce i don't stare at their lips when starting a relationship. :)
my hubby is in love with my eyes he really like eyes.
A.T. CunninghamDo guys like Eyes or Lips better?
I believe i like girls with beautiful eyes.
SInce i don't stare at their lips when starting a relationship. :)
my hubby is in love with my eyes he really like eyes.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul what are the lips?
well the heart is the doorway so the lips must be an escape routeIf the eyes are the windows to the soul what are the lips?
The anus
: )If the eyes are the windows to the soul what are the lips?
...NOT the window to the soul?
yo momma
an opening which leads to your stomach....
ah sorry that's you mouth....then the opening of the opening....
The anus
: )If the eyes are the windows to the soul what are the lips?
...NOT the window to the soul?
yo momma
an opening which leads to your stomach....
ah sorry that's you mouth....then the opening of the opening....
Is kissing your sis on lips is ok?(like a sis not sexually)..What Does Islam Say About That?
like dolly said if she is below 5 years old thats ok..the Islam said that brother and sister must be separated in bed ..and preferably separated by rooms.
p.s I'm a MuslimIs kissing your sis on lips is ok?(like a sis not sexually)..What Does Islam Say About That?
I'd never do it but I've seen people do that and it's perfectly acceptableIs kissing your sis on lips is ok?(like a sis not sexually)..What Does Islam Say About That?
well.. if your sis is like 5years old or below, then its perfectly ok..
better not to
p.s I'm a MuslimIs kissing your sis on lips is ok?(like a sis not sexually)..What Does Islam Say About That?
I'd never do it but I've seen people do that and it's perfectly acceptableIs kissing your sis on lips is ok?(like a sis not sexually)..What Does Islam Say About That?
well.. if your sis is like 5years old or below, then its perfectly ok..
better not to
How do I get my lips fatter...?
My lips r thin nd im tryin so hard to make them fatter any suggestionsHow do I get my lips fatter...?
try sally hansen lip inflation lip works really well. u actually feel gets slightly hot on your lips and heat makes them plump...i've seen the difference because if you only apply it on a certain spot on your lip that spot will swell and the rest wont. plus, its much cheaper then alot of other products and its really shiny and looks like regular lip gloss. its pretty long lasting too but you should reapply throughout the day.鈥?/a>How do I get my lips fatter...?
Put some hot sauce on them.
idk cause i have naturally FAT lips, but they do sell one kind of lip gloss/lipstick thing that gives your lips more plump
If your lips are NATURALLY thin, then it probably won't suit you with them big. But to make them larger the only thing i can suggest is using a lip plumper. Gently pinch your lips because that usually works, but you won't be able to notice it.
Using pale lipstick/gloss gives the appearance that your lips are bigger, if you search on google or something 'How to use make-up to make my lips appear bigger' it will give you some make up tips that can give this appearence. Hope i helped :). I've put a good lip plumper for you down below. :)
My mom and sis use a product called Lip Venom by DuWop. It temporarily plumps your lips with out surgery or injections. Basically its a lipstick. It stings slightly when it goes on, but does cause your lips to swell.
Let someone smack you in the mouth.
when you put lipstick on wear lipliner too it might help
Well u can get ur lips injected or u can go to ur local drugstore or victoria secret and buy these lip gloss that are suppose to make ur lips look bigger but dont really last that long like the injection.engine oil
try sally hansen lip inflation lip works really well. u actually feel gets slightly hot on your lips and heat makes them plump...i've seen the difference because if you only apply it on a certain spot on your lip that spot will swell and the rest wont. plus, its much cheaper then alot of other products and its really shiny and looks like regular lip gloss. its pretty long lasting too but you should reapply throughout the day.鈥?/a>How do I get my lips fatter...?
Put some hot sauce on them.
idk cause i have naturally FAT lips, but they do sell one kind of lip gloss/lipstick thing that gives your lips more plump
If your lips are NATURALLY thin, then it probably won't suit you with them big. But to make them larger the only thing i can suggest is using a lip plumper. Gently pinch your lips because that usually works, but you won't be able to notice it.
Using pale lipstick/gloss gives the appearance that your lips are bigger, if you search on google or something 'How to use make-up to make my lips appear bigger' it will give you some make up tips that can give this appearence. Hope i helped :). I've put a good lip plumper for you down below. :)
My mom and sis use a product called Lip Venom by DuWop. It temporarily plumps your lips with out surgery or injections. Basically its a lipstick. It stings slightly when it goes on, but does cause your lips to swell.
Let someone smack you in the mouth.
when you put lipstick on wear lipliner too it might help
Well u can get ur lips injected or u can go to ur local drugstore or victoria secret and buy these lip gloss that are suppose to make ur lips look bigger but dont really last that long like the injection.
Can kissing pass on STDs if fully clothed and kissing on the lips and no cuts or anything in the mouth?
I don't think you'd be able to pass on STDs in that situation even if it was open mouth kissing. They're not transmitted through saliva, so it seems impossible.Can kissing pass on STDs if fully clothed and kissing on the lips and no cuts or anything in the mouth?
depends on what kind of kissing ur talking about if it is closed mouth kissing no but opened mouth kissing yesCan kissing pass on STDs if fully clothed and kissing on the lips and no cuts or anything in the mouth?
yes, cold sores; they aren't necessarily an STD but they are considered Herpes, and are contagious (most people get them after having fevers though).
The only one I can think of is Herpes- a.k.a.Cold Sores.And those cold sores may not even be an STD. You can transfer those to you partners mouth and then that patner can transfer them to another partners mouth... or worse.
depends on what kind of kissing ur talking about if it is closed mouth kissing no but opened mouth kissing yesCan kissing pass on STDs if fully clothed and kissing on the lips and no cuts or anything in the mouth?
yes, cold sores; they aren't necessarily an STD but they are considered Herpes, and are contagious (most people get them after having fevers though).
The only one I can think of is Herpes- a.k.a.Cold Sores.And those cold sores may not even be an STD. You can transfer those to you partners mouth and then that patner can transfer them to another partners mouth... or worse.
How can i make my lips look bigger without surgery?
i buy this lip gloss/moisturizer called skin effects by dr.jeffery dover: lip effects (or lip magnifyer). they sell it at cvs...but its 20 dollars. it works VERY well. it will start plumping your lips within 5 minutes and last 3 hours, and u can keep adding more in between. i love it it works so well!!!How can i make my lips look bigger without surgery?
Get punched in the mouth. Works every time!How can i make my lips look bigger without surgery?
Try a lip plumper. You can buy them at, or i helped! =]
Duwop Lip Venom- it does sting a little bit at first though!
the very most amazing lip plumping gloss would have to be
Freeze 24/7 Lip Plumper !
Lip Venom or similar products. They work quite well...
Get punched in the mouth. Works every time!How can i make my lips look bigger without surgery?
Try a lip plumper. You can buy them at, or i helped! =]
Duwop Lip Venom- it does sting a little bit at first though!
the very most amazing lip plumping gloss would have to be
Freeze 24/7 Lip Plumper !
Lip Venom or similar products. They work quite well...
I Want My Lips Not To Be Shine But Not Lip Balm What Is It?
lip stick?I Want My Lips Not To Be Shine But Not Lip Balm What Is It?
WORKS REALLY WELLI Want My Lips Not To Be Shine But Not Lip Balm What Is It?
it would be lip gloss.
uhhh... lipstick? I dont understand your question...
well i would do a lipstick wit a little bit of sparkle to it just enough to notice you have some but don't over load it.
Try eyeshadow. Get a small eyeshadow brush and pick a color that best suits you. I usually use peach colors or pale pinks but pick what goes best with your skin color. Brush it on gently and it makes your lips appear softer and more natural because it's not shiny like Lip Glosses.
i use i.d lip guard with spf 15 by bare escentuals, just a hint of color, or buzz latte balm tipped in ';true'; all over face color, to subtly tint my lips.
WORKS REALLY WELLI Want My Lips Not To Be Shine But Not Lip Balm What Is It?
it would be lip gloss.
uhhh... lipstick? I dont understand your question...
well i would do a lipstick wit a little bit of sparkle to it just enough to notice you have some but don't over load it.
Try eyeshadow. Get a small eyeshadow brush and pick a color that best suits you. I usually use peach colors or pale pinks but pick what goes best with your skin color. Brush it on gently and it makes your lips appear softer and more natural because it's not shiny like Lip Glosses.
i use i.d lip guard with spf 15 by bare escentuals, just a hint of color, or buzz latte balm tipped in ';true'; all over face color, to subtly tint my lips.
Will the side skirts and lips for a 2007 Scion TC fit on a 2009?
side skirts for sure, lips not to sureWill the side skirts and lips for a 2007 Scion TC fit on a 2009?
the side skirts defnatly will fit but im not to sure about the bumper lips...Will the side skirts and lips for a 2007 Scion TC fit on a 2009?
yea the cars are the same unless they changed from 07 to 08
the side skirts defnatly will fit but im not to sure about the bumper lips...Will the side skirts and lips for a 2007 Scion TC fit on a 2009?
yea the cars are the same unless they changed from 07 to 08
Is it ok for the lips of my anus to be swollen after taking a poo or anal pentertation?
Not normally. You need to go with a stool softener %26amp; a good lube prior to penetration. Your lube should be one that is water based %26amp; not petroleum jelly %26gt; try Astro Glide or KY.
Hopefully, the swelling will go down after a couple of days %26gt; if you're sure you don't have hemorrhoids. If that is the case, better see a proctologist.
Hopefully, the swelling will go down after a couple of days %26gt; if you're sure you don't have hemorrhoids. If that is the case, better see a proctologist.
What to do for chapped lips?
I went to a Philadelphia Phantoms game last night, and i 4 got my chapped stick, but my lips were so dry and i had to lick them, and i got home and there was like a half inch of redness around my lips...what is the best way to get rid of the redness, and about how long will it take? please and thank you!What to do for chapped lips?
Just get more chapstick, and keep putting it on. The medicated blistex one works the best for severely chapped lips. Just give it a day or two, and it should go away. Remember, to not lick your lips anymore.engine oil
Just get more chapstick, and keep putting it on. The medicated blistex one works the best for severely chapped lips. Just give it a day or two, and it should go away. Remember, to not lick your lips anymore.
Does anyone else think Blistex's Silk and Shine dries out your lips?
I thought Blistex was supposed to be a really good brand but it dries out my lipsDoes anyone else think Blistex's Silk and Shine dries out your lips?
yes i'm so mad I bought it I use carmex now and I love it.
yes i'm so mad I bought it I use carmex now and I love it.
Who thinks Angelina Jolie's lips look like a butthole?
I can not figure out why everyone always says ';Angelina's lips are perfect'; I feel like im taking crazy pills when I hear that. And women are now getting surguries to get lips just like hers, that is terriable a world full of women with buttholes on there face. They are the worst part about her. But people will like what you tell them to like I guess.Who thinks Angelina Jolie's lips look like a butthole?
She is sooooo over-rated....her ';Perfect'; lips are more likened to those of a dead fish...i find her most hideous~!Who thinks Angelina Jolie's lips look like a butthole?
I don`t know about ';buttholes'; but I do know the fad of plumping up lips makes for ridiculous looking out of proportion facial features. What does one find sexy about huge lips ?
It's ok to be jealous. Just because your boyfriend think she's hot doesn't mean you have to be bitter.
Her lips do not look like that. I think it is a nice feature on her (and no one told me to say that, btw) but women really should not get surgeries to have her lips because it does not work on everyone.
Brings a whole new meaning to ';kiss my @ss!';
I like her as a person but her lips to me looks like the ';other lips';
ur silly...2 points..
She is sooooo over-rated....her ';Perfect'; lips are more likened to those of a dead fish...i find her most hideous~!Who thinks Angelina Jolie's lips look like a butthole?
I don`t know about ';buttholes'; but I do know the fad of plumping up lips makes for ridiculous looking out of proportion facial features. What does one find sexy about huge lips ?
It's ok to be jealous. Just because your boyfriend think she's hot doesn't mean you have to be bitter.
Her lips do not look like that. I think it is a nice feature on her (and no one told me to say that, btw) but women really should not get surgeries to have her lips because it does not work on everyone.
Brings a whole new meaning to ';kiss my @ss!';
I like her as a person but her lips to me looks like the ';other lips';
ur silly...2 points..
What is wrong with my lips?
My lips and the front part of my mouth are consistantly dry... The skin around my lips in particular hurt unless I apply carmex, blistex, or something else. As a guy, this is a very irritating problem. Does anyone have an answer? I looked for possible issues.. I don't lick my lips anymore.. They have turned the skin around my them ';sore pink';, and they are not very attractive.What is wrong with my lips?
Okay I work for a dermatologist and we see this problem regularly. Carmex and blistex and anything you get form a grocery store has agents in it that peels away the skin what we always suggest is three things. At wal-mart or grocery store use petroleum jelly or a product called udder balm ( farmers use it on milk cows to keep there udders from being sore) It sound ridiculious it really works. If you have an ulta or a sephora (women normally know where these are) there is a lip balm Called called ';Smith's Rosebud Salve'; it is in a metal jar. It is amazing! The last one should cure it no problem!!
Common products that just sluff of skin include: Blistex, carmex, chapstick, burt's bees...these are made to keep you coming back for more AVOID THEM!!What is wrong with my lips?
could be u're used to using chapstick %26amp; when u don't use it, ur lips become dry.
Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration can cause cracked sore lips. My little girl gets it when she is poorly and not drinking enough. Up the water and down the coffee. Keep using the Blistex.
Okay I work for a dermatologist and we see this problem regularly. Carmex and blistex and anything you get form a grocery store has agents in it that peels away the skin what we always suggest is three things. At wal-mart or grocery store use petroleum jelly or a product called udder balm ( farmers use it on milk cows to keep there udders from being sore) It sound ridiculious it really works. If you have an ulta or a sephora (women normally know where these are) there is a lip balm Called called ';Smith's Rosebud Salve'; it is in a metal jar. It is amazing! The last one should cure it no problem!!
Common products that just sluff of skin include: Blistex, carmex, chapstick, burt's bees...these are made to keep you coming back for more AVOID THEM!!What is wrong with my lips?
could be u're used to using chapstick %26amp; when u don't use it, ur lips become dry.
Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration can cause cracked sore lips. My little girl gets it when she is poorly and not drinking enough. Up the water and down the coffee. Keep using the Blistex.
How can i make my lips look bigger without surgery?
LipFusion XL is the best plumper I've used and it lasts the whole day.How can i make my lips look bigger without surgery?
Pinch your lips and rub chili powder on them.How can i make my lips look bigger without surgery?
You should definitely try lip venom or any of the more expensive lip glosses that have cinammon or chili in them to plump your lips. The cheaper ones that claim to plump your lips often do not work.
They do tingle and I would not recommend kissing anyone after applying them but they do make your lips swell up.
Here is a link to lip venom at;jsessionid=L3PQCZXUYCENFLAUCJ4BXCQ?id=P51803%26amp;cm_mmc=us_search-_-GG-_-br%20duwop-_-lip%20venom%26amp;_requestid=125647
Putt loaddsa lip gloss onnn, justt keep pilin it on thiss ur saticfised :D .. thiss workkss 4 mee
i think pale glittery lip gloss makes lips look bigger,, but make sure u go to the edge, some people leave a thin line around there lips and they look smaller.
put some nice lipstick and outline it w/ lipliner(it emphazies your lips and makes em look bigger), shiny lipstick or lipgloss is always good
Pinch your lips and rub chili powder on them.How can i make my lips look bigger without surgery?
You should definitely try lip venom or any of the more expensive lip glosses that have cinammon or chili in them to plump your lips. The cheaper ones that claim to plump your lips often do not work.
They do tingle and I would not recommend kissing anyone after applying them but they do make your lips swell up.
Here is a link to lip venom at;jsessionid=L3PQCZXUYCENFLAUCJ4BXCQ?id=P51803%26amp;cm_mmc=us_search-_-GG-_-br%20duwop-_-lip%20venom%26amp;_requestid=125647
Putt loaddsa lip gloss onnn, justt keep pilin it on thiss ur saticfised :D .. thiss workkss 4 mee
i think pale glittery lip gloss makes lips look bigger,, but make sure u go to the edge, some people leave a thin line around there lips and they look smaller.
put some nice lipstick and outline it w/ lipliner(it emphazies your lips and makes em look bigger), shiny lipstick or lipgloss is always good
Saturday, July 24, 2010
What is Kill Hannah's ';Lips Like Morphine'; About?
a kiss thats so good it knocks u out :)
kill hannah kick *** :D
kill hannah kick *** :D
Does Clinique's Full Potential Lips Plump and Shine realy works?
I am looking for a lip plumping lipgloss is this one any good? if not any other product recommendation?Does Clinique's Full Potential Lips Plump and Shine realy works?
Sally Hansen, Lip Inflation works for me.Does Clinique's Full Potential Lips Plump and Shine realy works?
Yes, I had it onece and I like it, but those I liked even more!
The Lip Fusion lip glosses. They are the best!!! When u apply them ur lips look even bigger then u can imagine and it gives ur lips a great shine!
Fusion Beauty Plumped Up Color Set ($76 Value) , $52
Fusion Beauty LipFusion Color Shine , $36 - $38
Fusion Beauty Velvet Bling Fusion , $49
Fusion Beauty LipFusion XL , $50
LImited edition-Fusion Beauty LipFusion Color Shine in Smooch , $38
Dior Lip Maximizer , $29 is also great!
and for some cheper variant
Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme , $27.50(it's a gloss)
Sephora Brand Professionnel Flash Lip Plumper , $6
Good luck in chosing ur lip plumper!
all prizes are from http://www.sephora.comengine oil
Sally Hansen, Lip Inflation works for me.Does Clinique's Full Potential Lips Plump and Shine realy works?
Yes, I had it onece and I like it, but those I liked even more!
The Lip Fusion lip glosses. They are the best!!! When u apply them ur lips look even bigger then u can imagine and it gives ur lips a great shine!
Fusion Beauty Plumped Up Color Set ($76 Value) , $52
Fusion Beauty LipFusion Color Shine , $36 - $38
Fusion Beauty Velvet Bling Fusion , $49
Fusion Beauty LipFusion XL , $50
LImited edition-Fusion Beauty LipFusion Color Shine in Smooch , $38
Dior Lip Maximizer , $29 is also great!
and for some cheper variant
Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme , $27.50(it's a gloss)
Sephora Brand Professionnel Flash Lip Plumper , $6
Good luck in chosing ur lip plumper!
all prizes are from
How can i conceal my lips?
what foundation, or concealor, or whatever, can i used to conceal my lips?How can i conceal my lips?
Er...I suppose you could use a very thick concealer or foundation.
You'd have to make sure they were very strong and preferably waterproof as human lips naturally have moisture from drinking, saliva etc.
Out of curiosity, why would you want to conceal your lips? Most people prefer to have them standout...How can i conceal my lips?
Yes you can. Go to your local HM Supplies and ask for some DPM. Applying this pattern will not only conceal you lips from on lookers - it will also protect you from the possibility of a terrorist attack!
Just blend them in with your foundation
you could just wear a lip gloss or lipstick to cover your lips...
Make a mmmmm... sound with your mouth.
why would you want to do that?
you want to conceal your lips? but why?
Er...I suppose you could use a very thick concealer or foundation.
You'd have to make sure they were very strong and preferably waterproof as human lips naturally have moisture from drinking, saliva etc.
Out of curiosity, why would you want to conceal your lips? Most people prefer to have them standout...How can i conceal my lips?
Yes you can. Go to your local HM Supplies and ask for some DPM. Applying this pattern will not only conceal you lips from on lookers - it will also protect you from the possibility of a terrorist attack!
Just blend them in with your foundation
you could just wear a lip gloss or lipstick to cover your lips...
Make a mmmmm... sound with your mouth.
why would you want to do that?
you want to conceal your lips? but why?
How do u make your lips appear bigger and longer?
yes by longer i mean horizontally, i have a tiny mouthHow do u make your lips appear bigger and longer?
One way is to extend your lips' line a little farther using lipliner. You could also buy a form of collagen made into lip gloss. (These didn't work very well for me, but they could work for you). A more expensive way is to get botox injections or some other form of plastic surgery.How do u make your lips appear bigger and longer?
Uh lips can't be 'longer'. I think you mean wider...
Anyway... try products that claim to plump your lips.
One of them must work for you.
Lipfusion by Fusion Beauty is supposed to be really good.
1. Apply TimeWise庐 Age-Fighting Lip Primer on the lips and outside the lip line to prevent feathering and bleeding.
2. Erase the existing lip line by applying concealer or foundation.
3. Use MK SignatureTM Lip Liner to draw a line slightly above the natural top and around the bottom lip lines.
4. Fill in lips completely with lip liner to create a matte base that helps increase lipstick wear.
5. Place a dab of light concealer in the center of the top and bottom lips.
6. Apply MK SignatureTM Creme Lipstick.
7. Finish with MK SignatureTM Lip Gloss applied to the center of the lips over lipstick to help make lips appear fuller.
visit my website for more info.
Use a darker lip liner and then some lip gloss on the inside and with the lip liner you can out line the lips just a wee bit bigger,,,,
Get a nice lip stick brush. Apply a liquid lipstick with that
try putting a little more lip liner at the corners not to much though that looks really bad but if you want them to look plumper then they are: for the bottom apply more lip liner then the top: for the top apply more then the bottom
use a dark lip liner and jst go around ur lips jst about tuching it
Apply lip gloss (lip plumping gloss) over lipstick or alone. Remember that gloss would emphasize and therefore make your lips appear to be fuller.
apply lip liner
apply gloss color the same color as your liner
apply a lighter color sparkle gloss on your bottom lip right in the middle and gently press lips together
One way is to extend your lips' line a little farther using lipliner. You could also buy a form of collagen made into lip gloss. (These didn't work very well for me, but they could work for you). A more expensive way is to get botox injections or some other form of plastic surgery.How do u make your lips appear bigger and longer?
Uh lips can't be 'longer'. I think you mean wider...
Anyway... try products that claim to plump your lips.
One of them must work for you.
Lipfusion by Fusion Beauty is supposed to be really good.
1. Apply TimeWise庐 Age-Fighting Lip Primer on the lips and outside the lip line to prevent feathering and bleeding.
2. Erase the existing lip line by applying concealer or foundation.
3. Use MK SignatureTM Lip Liner to draw a line slightly above the natural top and around the bottom lip lines.
4. Fill in lips completely with lip liner to create a matte base that helps increase lipstick wear.
5. Place a dab of light concealer in the center of the top and bottom lips.
6. Apply MK SignatureTM Creme Lipstick.
7. Finish with MK SignatureTM Lip Gloss applied to the center of the lips over lipstick to help make lips appear fuller.
visit my website for more info.
Use a darker lip liner and then some lip gloss on the inside and with the lip liner you can out line the lips just a wee bit bigger,,,,
Get a nice lip stick brush. Apply a liquid lipstick with that
try putting a little more lip liner at the corners not to much though that looks really bad but if you want them to look plumper then they are: for the bottom apply more lip liner then the top: for the top apply more then the bottom
use a dark lip liner and jst go around ur lips jst about tuching it
Apply lip gloss (lip plumping gloss) over lipstick or alone. Remember that gloss would emphasize and therefore make your lips appear to be fuller.
apply lip liner
apply gloss color the same color as your liner
apply a lighter color sparkle gloss on your bottom lip right in the middle and gently press lips together
Is there a lip stick that makes your lips bigger?
well i dunno about a lipstick that makes your lips bigger, but if you want to make the LOOK bigger, then the lighter colour the better! and use a lipliner to outline your lips, but do this at the very edge to maximize their fullness. Also, if you put a gloss in the middle of your bottom lip, it helps to make them look bigger too!
Good luck!Is there a lip stick that makes your lips bigger?
Get a lipstick with collagen. It'll help fill them out temporarily. You have to use it pretty often, though. Collagen gets absorbed by the body.Is there a lip stick that makes your lips bigger?
If your going to get your lips bigger dont do it cuz it only works for blacks
yeah its at victorias secret its called lucious it works awesome
yes, from Sephora, called Fusion(I think)
A nice one that I have used is Mary Kate and Ashley Lip Plumper.
It has a lipstick and a gloss side so you can use either. I hope this helps you out!!!
yes, you can buy them anywhere
there is a lip gloss that plumps your lips at bath and body works.
Yeah try Avon they are really good . My lips looked really plumb and beautiful .
covergirl incrediful i think it's called.
a lipstick that contains cinnamon will make your limps plumper
yeah its called plump but it's not lip stick its lip gloss and you put ur own lipstick over that
There are those Plumping ones that say they do but they've never worked for me. What DOES work is liuning your lips w/liner, then putting a big dot of lipstick on your bottom lip. Put the lipstick on your top lip like normal. Then blot. Makes 'em look a little bigger.
if you wear a lipgloss either the same color or a clear one over your lipstick it makes them look bigger
There are a lot of lip plumpers around. Your best bet would be to go to
Good luck!Is there a lip stick that makes your lips bigger?
Get a lipstick with collagen. It'll help fill them out temporarily. You have to use it pretty often, though. Collagen gets absorbed by the body.Is there a lip stick that makes your lips bigger?
If your going to get your lips bigger dont do it cuz it only works for blacks
yeah its at victorias secret its called lucious it works awesome
yes, from Sephora, called Fusion(I think)
A nice one that I have used is Mary Kate and Ashley Lip Plumper.
It has a lipstick and a gloss side so you can use either. I hope this helps you out!!!
yes, you can buy them anywhere
there is a lip gloss that plumps your lips at bath and body works.
Yeah try Avon they are really good . My lips looked really plumb and beautiful .
covergirl incrediful i think it's called.
a lipstick that contains cinnamon will make your limps plumper
yeah its called plump but it's not lip stick its lip gloss and you put ur own lipstick over that
There are those Plumping ones that say they do but they've never worked for me. What DOES work is liuning your lips w/liner, then putting a big dot of lipstick on your bottom lip. Put the lipstick on your top lip like normal. Then blot. Makes 'em look a little bigger.
if you wear a lipgloss either the same color or a clear one over your lipstick it makes them look bigger
There are a lot of lip plumpers around. Your best bet would be to go to
Why do dogs have black lips?
It is just a normal pigmentation for some canines. God made them that way so they could be beautiful.Why do dogs have black lips?
First, they dont all have pigmented lips. some do, just like some dogs are black or brown haired. It depends on the way they have been bred. Sharpeis also have a black tongue ...
Rik鈥?/a>Why do dogs have black lips?
It's all to do with their pigmentation. The dogs points (nose, eye rims, lips, toenails) should be certain colours depending on the colour of the dog. In most breeds the rule is the darker the lips and gums the better. Certainly in poodles, if a black, white, apricot, red, blue or silver dog has black lips and gums then his pigmentation is considered to be very good.
my dog as brown lips lol
they can't put their own lipstick on.
First, they dont all have pigmented lips. some do, just like some dogs are black or brown haired. It depends on the way they have been bred. Sharpeis also have a black tongue ...
Rik鈥?/a>Why do dogs have black lips?
It's all to do with their pigmentation. The dogs points (nose, eye rims, lips, toenails) should be certain colours depending on the colour of the dog. In most breeds the rule is the darker the lips and gums the better. Certainly in poodles, if a black, white, apricot, red, blue or silver dog has black lips and gums then his pigmentation is considered to be very good.
my dog as brown lips lol
they can't put their own lipstick on.
How come some people don't like to kissing on the lips?
My new girlfriend told me she doesn't like to kiss on the lips. Does this mean I'm unattractive or that I could possibly gross her out? Or could it be a form of her avoiding getting to attached to me. Or could it be that she just doesn't want to kiss me personaly.How come some people don't like to kissing on the lips?
Sad to say:for some it is to intimate.
I think it's odd
Well it takes all sorts,right?
greetings:Rob.xxxHow come some people don't like to kissing on the lips?
Why don't you ask her? It could be any of the things you mention or something else entirely. When you ask, do it in a curious way rather than an accusing way, and you will have the best chance of an honest answer.
I have never heard of anyone not liking to be kissed on the lipps in a relationship (only hookers)
if the posibility is there that you maybe have a psychical problem (bad breath and so on), she not likely to tell you in the beginning of a relationship, ask another friend to be honest about this
I think this is a very personal question, I am not able to look inside her head.
you give many reasons yourself, your doubt is if she likes you enough or not, that anwser will come in time, if you want to give her that.
don't get too insecure though, I'm sure you have been kissed many times.
No, they just feel its too ';personal'; or that its a turn off for them. Hey, it takes all kind. The way I look at it is this: if its not my breath, my teeth or my fault, I simply don't care. However, as a ';kisser from hell'; or someone that loves to kiss, I'm not sure HOW LONG I could do without it, lol!!!
i think u better just break up with her be4 she does it
probably ur mouth stinks!! try sprayin some mouth freshner b4 u kiss.. or may b ur lips r worn out.. use a lip balm!
Maybe she has attachment issues, it could be that kissing on the mouth is to personal for her or possibly she has had a traumatic experience that causes her to not want to be that close to someone.
Ask her.
too intimate for some people...believe it or not.
could be any of the above you listed...or she might have some traumatic experience with kissing on the lips? huh, that's strange...why don't you ask her about it?
I hate lipstick.
That does strike me as very odd.
I've never been a big fan of tongue, but kissing on the lips? I've never met someone who's had an issue with that. Can you speak to her about it? Can you talk to any of her ex's (or friends who might have some insight) about it? Good luck hun. That must really suck.
I'm pretty sure that your girlfriend want you to kiss her, on her ';other'; lips...
try to find it out dude...
good luck!
Sad to say:for some it is to intimate.
I think it's odd
Well it takes all sorts,right?
greetings:Rob.xxxHow come some people don't like to kissing on the lips?
Why don't you ask her? It could be any of the things you mention or something else entirely. When you ask, do it in a curious way rather than an accusing way, and you will have the best chance of an honest answer.
I have never heard of anyone not liking to be kissed on the lipps in a relationship (only hookers)
if the posibility is there that you maybe have a psychical problem (bad breath and so on), she not likely to tell you in the beginning of a relationship, ask another friend to be honest about this
I think this is a very personal question, I am not able to look inside her head.
you give many reasons yourself, your doubt is if she likes you enough or not, that anwser will come in time, if you want to give her that.
don't get too insecure though, I'm sure you have been kissed many times.
No, they just feel its too ';personal'; or that its a turn off for them. Hey, it takes all kind. The way I look at it is this: if its not my breath, my teeth or my fault, I simply don't care. However, as a ';kisser from hell'; or someone that loves to kiss, I'm not sure HOW LONG I could do without it, lol!!!
i think u better just break up with her be4 she does it
probably ur mouth stinks!! try sprayin some mouth freshner b4 u kiss.. or may b ur lips r worn out.. use a lip balm!
Maybe she has attachment issues, it could be that kissing on the mouth is to personal for her or possibly she has had a traumatic experience that causes her to not want to be that close to someone.
Ask her.
too intimate for some people...believe it or not.
could be any of the above you listed...or she might have some traumatic experience with kissing on the lips? huh, that's strange...why don't you ask her about it?
I hate lipstick.
That does strike me as very odd.
I've never been a big fan of tongue, but kissing on the lips? I've never met someone who's had an issue with that. Can you speak to her about it? Can you talk to any of her ex's (or friends who might have some insight) about it? Good luck hun. That must really suck.
I'm pretty sure that your girlfriend want you to kiss her, on her ';other'; lips...
try to find it out dude...
good luck!
I don't understand how I have full pouty lips when everyone in my family has thin lips?
how is it possible? Everyone I mean everyone in my family has thin lips!!??I don't understand how I have full pouty lips when everyone in my family has thin lips?
ur probably adoptedI don't understand how I have full pouty lips when everyone in my family has thin lips?
Just because everyone else has thin lips, doesn't mean you can't have full. Your parents have carried the gene down from their parents, who carried it down from their parents, etc.
Genetics aren't everything, My cousins dad is like 300+ pounds, his mom is pretty big too, but hes 16 and weighs less than 160 even though he eats like there's no tomorrow.
It must b a deformity of some kind. Who knows , it happens
I hate to tell you this, but perhaps... (you know what i mean?).
even grandparents, great grandparents? you never know
or maybe your just the pretty one ;)
maybe you pouted alot
your lucky. i have thin lips so...shut up.
sometimes that just happens its not a big deal
did you FAIL 8th grade science?! You don't HAVE to look just like your family! my goodness!!!!engine oil
ur probably adoptedI don't understand how I have full pouty lips when everyone in my family has thin lips?
Just because everyone else has thin lips, doesn't mean you can't have full. Your parents have carried the gene down from their parents, who carried it down from their parents, etc.
Genetics aren't everything, My cousins dad is like 300+ pounds, his mom is pretty big too, but hes 16 and weighs less than 160 even though he eats like there's no tomorrow.
It must b a deformity of some kind. Who knows , it happens
I hate to tell you this, but perhaps... (you know what i mean?).
even grandparents, great grandparents? you never know
or maybe your just the pretty one ;)
maybe you pouted alot
your lucky. i have thin lips so...shut up.
sometimes that just happens its not a big deal
did you FAIL 8th grade science?! You don't HAVE to look just like your family! my goodness!!!!
Is there a form of cold sore/ herpes that makes your lips really dry to the point that they break and bleed?
does it make your lips really dry to the point that the skin breaks and bleeds and gets really dry so that there are big chunks of dry skin on your lip that you can peel off?Is there a form of cold sore/ herpes that makes your lips really dry to the point that they break and bleed?
Dry chapped lips can be a symptom of cold sores before one breaks out. Carmex is some thing that is used to sooth cold sore symptoms.
Dry chapped lips could also be just that. Keep an eye on some symptoms like itching, burning and or tingling it should happen around the lips usually at one spot. Those are a little more definite symptoms of cold sores.
If your worried then get your lips checked out by a doctor and have them test you for oral herpes. Chapped lips normally don't last that long unless your in a very cold and dry environment all the time.Is there a form of cold sore/ herpes that makes your lips really dry to the point that they break and bleed?
This could just happen normally, if your lips get really chapped. Just apply a lip salve or balm (vaseline works too) just to form a barrier against the skin. This will protect them against the cold, or whatever causes your lips to dry out.
Your diet can also have an effect on your lips, if you're low in vitamins.
If you're really worried, see your doctor to make sure everything's in order, though I doubt it's herpes.
google that ****
Dry chapped lips can be a symptom of cold sores before one breaks out. Carmex is some thing that is used to sooth cold sore symptoms.
Dry chapped lips could also be just that. Keep an eye on some symptoms like itching, burning and or tingling it should happen around the lips usually at one spot. Those are a little more definite symptoms of cold sores.
If your worried then get your lips checked out by a doctor and have them test you for oral herpes. Chapped lips normally don't last that long unless your in a very cold and dry environment all the time.Is there a form of cold sore/ herpes that makes your lips really dry to the point that they break and bleed?
This could just happen normally, if your lips get really chapped. Just apply a lip salve or balm (vaseline works too) just to form a barrier against the skin. This will protect them against the cold, or whatever causes your lips to dry out.
Your diet can also have an effect on your lips, if you're low in vitamins.
If you're really worried, see your doctor to make sure everything's in order, though I doubt it's herpes.
google that ****
Why is it that guys like girls with full lips than girls with thin lips?
girls with thin lips try so hard to get there lips plump and I just want to know why go though all that troubleWhy is it that guys like girls with full lips than girls with thin lips?
It's sexual....when women get excited or orgasm...the blood rushes to their cheeks, chest, boobs, LIPS and other spots....and get a little swollen and blush....that's also another reason men like RED reminds them, consiously or subconsiously about sex, which is why they think it's sexy!!Why is it that guys like girls with full lips than girls with thin lips?
i think ur just generalising.. cuz i thought guys like girls because of their personality.. my theory is.. if a guy is attracted to a girls personality.. then he just automatically is attracted to her looks..
I heard on the national geographic show about sex that our lips are supposed to remind men of a vaginas and the bigger, more fuller lips are more attractive for reproduction purposes. Basically they're to attract a mate and reproduce.
Honestly...its different with every guy, some guys think girls with bigger lips are good at oral sex (which they fail to realize it has nothing to do with the lips) Some love the Angelina look, everyone has there reason, that goes for girls as well..I have full lips, when I was younger I use to hate them, cause everyone use to call me ';Big Lip or Bubble lip'; lol kids are so cruel..But now I'm I love my lips, I grew into them and their so sexy..every lipstick and lip gloss agree with them and now everyone wants them.
It's sexual....when women get excited or orgasm...the blood rushes to their cheeks, chest, boobs, LIPS and other spots....and get a little swollen and blush....that's also another reason men like RED reminds them, consiously or subconsiously about sex, which is why they think it's sexy!!Why is it that guys like girls with full lips than girls with thin lips?
i think ur just generalising.. cuz i thought guys like girls because of their personality.. my theory is.. if a guy is attracted to a girls personality.. then he just automatically is attracted to her looks..
I heard on the national geographic show about sex that our lips are supposed to remind men of a vaginas and the bigger, more fuller lips are more attractive for reproduction purposes. Basically they're to attract a mate and reproduce.
Honestly...its different with every guy, some guys think girls with bigger lips are good at oral sex (which they fail to realize it has nothing to do with the lips) Some love the Angelina look, everyone has there reason, that goes for girls as well..I have full lips, when I was younger I use to hate them, cause everyone use to call me ';Big Lip or Bubble lip'; lol kids are so cruel..But now I'm I love my lips, I grew into them and their so sexy..every lipstick and lip gloss agree with them and now everyone wants them. african american and i think that i have big lips?
is it possible to downsize big lips? african american and i think that i have big lips?
I am AA as well and i LOVE my big lips i get compliments about them alot. But if you are truly unhappy then you should consider plastic african american and i think that i have big lips?
First Leb, stop being such a stupid racist.
Second like everyone here is saying love your big lips. Everyone is always raving about Angelina Jolie's. I didn't like my lips when they were big because they were too big and just overpowered my face, but you can use a dark eyeliner just a bit inside your lip line. this happened to me by mistake without me realizing, but if you dry out your lip for a long period of time it will start to shrink but I don't recommend this method.
you should be happy for big lips every one wants big lips even i want them anyway if you want to shrink your lips try using lip liners and put them on your lip to make it look like the shape of your lip is small from the lip liner
Tip: use a lip liner that is almost your skin color
glad i could help hope i become your best answer
yes u can.. plastic surgery. but also lips are ment to fit your face and mouth naturally. downsizing could make your mouth look wierd. just love and embrace what you have. alot of people like full lips. and the ones who dont wont appreciate you for you
If you put lip liner on the inside part of your lip edge, instead of edging the outside, it can help reduce the appearance. But you realize how sexy big lips are right?
Why would you want to do that? The only reason men really care about angelina jolie is because of her lips, not because shes a humanitatiran! Cherish those soup suckers.
First you should just love your self eveeybody is spending money to make there lips bigger with botox and stuff and yours are natual embrace every thing about your self
Yes, you can undergo expensive cosmetic surgery.
You are not african-american, they don't know how to use a computer.
why change?
everyone is beautiful in their own way be confident with yourself and others will get the same vibe.
Without surgery....i don't think permanently.
Yes but with surgery!
Why everyone wants big lips but yeah cause it is!!!!!!!...x
big lips look great, just keep em. most people inflate their lips.
P.S you dont look african from ur profile pic lol
i have big lips too. can we get married?
yes but it will cost like 20.000 dollars be happy with your lips
yeah get a box cutter
but these are what everyone else wants!
I am AA as well and i LOVE my big lips i get compliments about them alot. But if you are truly unhappy then you should consider plastic african american and i think that i have big lips?
First Leb, stop being such a stupid racist.
Second like everyone here is saying love your big lips. Everyone is always raving about Angelina Jolie's. I didn't like my lips when they were big because they were too big and just overpowered my face, but you can use a dark eyeliner just a bit inside your lip line. this happened to me by mistake without me realizing, but if you dry out your lip for a long period of time it will start to shrink but I don't recommend this method.
you should be happy for big lips every one wants big lips even i want them anyway if you want to shrink your lips try using lip liners and put them on your lip to make it look like the shape of your lip is small from the lip liner
Tip: use a lip liner that is almost your skin color
glad i could help hope i become your best answer
yes u can.. plastic surgery. but also lips are ment to fit your face and mouth naturally. downsizing could make your mouth look wierd. just love and embrace what you have. alot of people like full lips. and the ones who dont wont appreciate you for you
If you put lip liner on the inside part of your lip edge, instead of edging the outside, it can help reduce the appearance. But you realize how sexy big lips are right?
Why would you want to do that? The only reason men really care about angelina jolie is because of her lips, not because shes a humanitatiran! Cherish those soup suckers.
First you should just love your self eveeybody is spending money to make there lips bigger with botox and stuff and yours are natual embrace every thing about your self
Yes, you can undergo expensive cosmetic surgery.
You are not african-american, they don't know how to use a computer.
why change?
everyone is beautiful in their own way be confident with yourself and others will get the same vibe.
Without surgery....i don't think permanently.
Yes but with surgery!
Why everyone wants big lips but yeah cause it is!!!!!!!...x
big lips look great, just keep em. most people inflate their lips.
P.S you dont look african from ur profile pic lol
i have big lips too. can we get married?
yes but it will cost like 20.000 dollars be happy with your lips
yeah get a box cutter
but these are what everyone else wants!
Straight women or guys would you kiss a guy in his lips because he or she wishes that for birthday?
Sure a deep long french one especially if he were mine and of course Hot!Straight women or guys would you kiss a guy in his lips because he or she wishes that for birthday?
Sure I'd kiss him. If it was his b-day, and he wanted a kiss from me, you better believe I'd give it to him. You never know where that kiss might lead. *snickers*
I think I'll ask for one on my birthday....... IT would make a perfect present. :') looks like you have a lot of punctuation. I hate that. Someone shoot YA for adding that, please. Just kidding!!!!! :')Straight women or guys would you kiss a guy in his lips because he or she wishes that for birthday?
i might matters who and if i was seeing anybody at the time i actually think i have did that before? come on if it's his birthday!
If the guy is hot, then sure. But I won't kiss no same gender as me... that would be sick. *No offense, homos*
Probably, unless he had herpes or something.
heck no instead i would say dude if thats ur wish u need to quit drinking and if its a girl i would like liplock them till they turned blue in face
nah if were just friends, only on the cheek
i would tell him to close his eyes and kiss his cheek
Yes, if he's hot and doesn't have mono.
Only if he was hot.
if it's okay with my boyfriend, then yes :)
i'd kiss a girl on her lips, what's wrong with that?
if i had a crush on the guy maybe
hell yea
yes but only if we were both single..
yea if its a hot guy
if he was a hottie then yea!
only if i already liked him, or we had been friends for years
of course i would, if her parents werent watching and it was just us and friends
Sure I'd kiss him. If it was his b-day, and he wanted a kiss from me, you better believe I'd give it to him. You never know where that kiss might lead. *snickers*
I think I'll ask for one on my birthday....... IT would make a perfect present. :') looks like you have a lot of punctuation. I hate that. Someone shoot YA for adding that, please. Just kidding!!!!! :')Straight women or guys would you kiss a guy in his lips because he or she wishes that for birthday?
i might matters who and if i was seeing anybody at the time i actually think i have did that before? come on if it's his birthday!
If the guy is hot, then sure. But I won't kiss no same gender as me... that would be sick. *No offense, homos*
Probably, unless he had herpes or something.
heck no instead i would say dude if thats ur wish u need to quit drinking and if its a girl i would like liplock them till they turned blue in face
nah if were just friends, only on the cheek
i would tell him to close his eyes and kiss his cheek
Yes, if he's hot and doesn't have mono.
Only if he was hot.
if it's okay with my boyfriend, then yes :)
i'd kiss a girl on her lips, what's wrong with that?
if i had a crush on the guy maybe
hell yea
yes but only if we were both single..
yea if its a hot guy
if he was a hottie then yea!
only if i already liked him, or we had been friends for years
of course i would, if her parents werent watching and it was just us and friends
Does anyone know if Purple Labs (maker of Huge Lips, Skinny Hips lip plumper) tests on animals?
I thought the lip plumper sounded cool because it has hoodia in it. But I don't use things that are tested on animals. Help?
Thanks.Does anyone know if Purple Labs (maker of Huge Lips, Skinny Hips lip plumper) tests on animals?
I didn't see them on the lists, so not that I know of.
:)Does anyone know if Purple Labs (maker of Huge Lips, Skinny Hips lip plumper) tests on animals?
Not too sure, but I'll look on the site now for ya! I want to try their glosses, too!
I think peta might have a list of brands that test on animals.
Thanks.Does anyone know if Purple Labs (maker of Huge Lips, Skinny Hips lip plumper) tests on animals?
I didn't see them on the lists, so not that I know of.
:)Does anyone know if Purple Labs (maker of Huge Lips, Skinny Hips lip plumper) tests on animals?
Not too sure, but I'll look on the site now for ya! I want to try their glosses, too!
I think peta might have a list of brands that test on animals.
Don't you HATE the noise of someone eating with loud lips?
That noise is nasty.Don't you HATE the noise of someone eating with loud lips?
Recently I was in the movie theatre and a teen aged girl was chomping her popcorn...obviously with her mouth open. I have never experienced something like it in the theatre before. It seriously made me sick. I turned around a couple of times to look at her hoping she would get the point...sadly she didn't. I did say loudly (so that she could hear) after the movie ';did you hear that girl chewing her popcorn with her mouth open? How disgusting'; I hope she knew I was talking about her because some things need to be said!Don't you HATE the noise of someone eating with loud lips?
I'd rather hear/listen a MORE EDUCATIVE advise dilivered by a HIGHLY CONTROLED RESPONSIBLE heart. Report Abuse
I'd rather hear/listen a MORE EDUCATIVE advise dilivered by a HIGHLY CONTROLED RESPONSIBLE heart. Report Abuse
I'd rather hear/listen a MORE EDUCATIVE advise dilivered by a HIGHLY CONTROLED RESPONSIBLE heart. Report Abuse
Yes disgusting...
So is slurping like some kind of a demented drain
it's gross. i don't understand how they don't hear themselves!
Oh god, that is one of my biggest pet hates.
Whenever someone is sitting next to me, eating with their mouth open, I get so sick of it I have to move. Its just disgusting.
i hate slurpers or lip smackers
Yes! And people who chew with their mouth open.
yeah definately. its obnosious
Omg!!!!!! it drives me crazy !!! I yell at my friends all the time and i tell them ';whats wrong with you, didnt your family ever smack you when you did it when you were little?'; uGhhh
Not to mention they usually eat with their mouth open to get that sound. Gross!
Why yes it is so gross i mean it sounds like thwack thwack thwack
yes, my old ex-friend can't breathe well through her nose so she breathes as she chews with her mouth open. she also has braces so it was really gross. it sounded like a cow chewing grass. it always made a really loud SMACKing sound and with her mouth always open, you could always SEE the food getting caught up in her braces. it made me nauseous just listening to her eat. i could barely take a bite watching her. she was sweet, but really needed to take some etiquette classes on how to properly dine with others or something. i know how you feel. ewww....eye liquid
Recently I was in the movie theatre and a teen aged girl was chomping her popcorn...obviously with her mouth open. I have never experienced something like it in the theatre before. It seriously made me sick. I turned around a couple of times to look at her hoping she would get the point...sadly she didn't. I did say loudly (so that she could hear) after the movie ';did you hear that girl chewing her popcorn with her mouth open? How disgusting'; I hope she knew I was talking about her because some things need to be said!Don't you HATE the noise of someone eating with loud lips?
I'd rather hear/listen a MORE EDUCATIVE advise dilivered by a HIGHLY CONTROLED RESPONSIBLE heart. Report Abuse
I'd rather hear/listen a MORE EDUCATIVE advise dilivered by a HIGHLY CONTROLED RESPONSIBLE heart. Report Abuse
I'd rather hear/listen a MORE EDUCATIVE advise dilivered by a HIGHLY CONTROLED RESPONSIBLE heart. Report Abuse
Yes disgusting...
So is slurping like some kind of a demented drain
it's gross. i don't understand how they don't hear themselves!
Oh god, that is one of my biggest pet hates.
Whenever someone is sitting next to me, eating with their mouth open, I get so sick of it I have to move. Its just disgusting.
i hate slurpers or lip smackers
Yes! And people who chew with their mouth open.
yeah definately. its obnosious
Omg!!!!!! it drives me crazy !!! I yell at my friends all the time and i tell them ';whats wrong with you, didnt your family ever smack you when you did it when you were little?'; uGhhh
Not to mention they usually eat with their mouth open to get that sound. Gross!
Why yes it is so gross i mean it sounds like thwack thwack thwack
yes, my old ex-friend can't breathe well through her nose so she breathes as she chews with her mouth open. she also has braces so it was really gross. it sounded like a cow chewing grass. it always made a really loud SMACKing sound and with her mouth always open, you could always SEE the food getting caught up in her braces. it made me nauseous just listening to her eat. i could barely take a bite watching her. she was sweet, but really needed to take some etiquette classes on how to properly dine with others or something. i know how you feel. ewww....
How can i get off the hair on my uper lips?
no one wana look like a guy with a mustache
i dnt want hair up thier wat shoul i do!!!!!!
and how will i get bleach so maybe i'll try it?
and i have tan skin if i bleach it will it show tht i hadHow can i get off the hair on my uper lips?
lazer it off go to a specialist and within about 5 appointments it will be gone forever....just warning you though it is pricy but it is a good investmentHow can i get off the hair on my uper lips?
Well you can use tweezers, although that takes awhile. i get my lip waxed, it hurts, but its quick and just a couple minutes afterward will it hurt. Most hair salons do waxing, as for your tan, well i don't have that problem (my skin just doesn't tan) but you can call a salon and ask, I'm sure they will know. If you shave it, you can get that stubble stuff, or what ever, that guys get, and it will probably grow back a lot faster and be worse.
wax it or get a facial hair remover cream
a kiss a day will cure your disease
three words
get it waxed
you have many different options
you can buy face bleach to bleach your hair
and i have tan skin too so you wont be able to tell
depending on how dark you are - i used to use this method
you can go to a sallys beauty supply store and get it there (some drug stores probably have some options too )
you can get it waxed - thats what i do now
its not to expensive and it comes bak in lighter and takes longer for it to grow out
you can get it threaded - i sometimes do this
its the same thing as getting your eyebrows threaded
takes a while for it to grow out too
if your worried bout pain from wax or threading
try bleaching
Unwanted facial hair can spoil your appearance. Hence removing them is a must. There are many ways to achieve this goal, both traditional as well as modern. Traditional methods include waxing, shaving, plucking and electrolysis. But you need to do these methods frequently as they do not destroy the hair root but just remove the hair from superficial level.
I wax mine off.
I dont think bleaching it is good because people can still tell that theres peach fuzz there.
I buy Sally Hansens Facial wax thing. Its at grocery stores for like $5 you dont have to heat it up really or anything its very simple and not messy. I buy mine at Fred Meyers its probably at Wal mart too though.
Don't EVER get bleach because if you do,and there's light coming onto your face where you're standing,it's going to look really weird because it'll show.
Maybe wax?If you don't want to do that in ';public';,there are home kits.
Dont' SHAVE!!! Never never shave, becuase it will grow back thicker and darker! And bleaching is going to hurt in such a sensitive area. So what I suggest is waxing. If you do it every couple months or so, you won't see it. Another thing you can try (if you're really conserned) is laser hair removal. i hope that helps!!!
Much Love, Jenn
Tweeze it, or wax it off with Sally Hansen wax strips. They are inexpensive and work well. You COULD bleach it but it's better to just rip the hairs out. If you tan the hairs will become even more prominent. You can also use Nair or Veet to take it away or get a laser hair removal if you want more drastic measures.鈥?/a>
You should wax it. It's very inexpensive and once you wax and it will take a long time to regrow back and plus it will grow out lighter. Waxing should only cost about 7-15 dollars max.
I shave mines somtimes
you can get the facial bleach at target or walgreens鈥?/a>
i use it and it works really good(^-^)
i dnt want hair up thier wat shoul i do!!!!!!
and how will i get bleach so maybe i'll try it?
and i have tan skin if i bleach it will it show tht i hadHow can i get off the hair on my uper lips?
lazer it off go to a specialist and within about 5 appointments it will be gone forever....just warning you though it is pricy but it is a good investmentHow can i get off the hair on my uper lips?
Well you can use tweezers, although that takes awhile. i get my lip waxed, it hurts, but its quick and just a couple minutes afterward will it hurt. Most hair salons do waxing, as for your tan, well i don't have that problem (my skin just doesn't tan) but you can call a salon and ask, I'm sure they will know. If you shave it, you can get that stubble stuff, or what ever, that guys get, and it will probably grow back a lot faster and be worse.
wax it or get a facial hair remover cream
a kiss a day will cure your disease
three words
get it waxed
you have many different options
you can buy face bleach to bleach your hair
and i have tan skin too so you wont be able to tell
depending on how dark you are - i used to use this method
you can go to a sallys beauty supply store and get it there (some drug stores probably have some options too )
you can get it waxed - thats what i do now
its not to expensive and it comes bak in lighter and takes longer for it to grow out
you can get it threaded - i sometimes do this
its the same thing as getting your eyebrows threaded
takes a while for it to grow out too
if your worried bout pain from wax or threading
try bleaching
Unwanted facial hair can spoil your appearance. Hence removing them is a must. There are many ways to achieve this goal, both traditional as well as modern. Traditional methods include waxing, shaving, plucking and electrolysis. But you need to do these methods frequently as they do not destroy the hair root but just remove the hair from superficial level.
I wax mine off.
I dont think bleaching it is good because people can still tell that theres peach fuzz there.
I buy Sally Hansens Facial wax thing. Its at grocery stores for like $5 you dont have to heat it up really or anything its very simple and not messy. I buy mine at Fred Meyers its probably at Wal mart too though.
Don't EVER get bleach because if you do,and there's light coming onto your face where you're standing,it's going to look really weird because it'll show.
Maybe wax?If you don't want to do that in ';public';,there are home kits.
Dont' SHAVE!!! Never never shave, becuase it will grow back thicker and darker! And bleaching is going to hurt in such a sensitive area. So what I suggest is waxing. If you do it every couple months or so, you won't see it. Another thing you can try (if you're really conserned) is laser hair removal. i hope that helps!!!
Much Love, Jenn
Tweeze it, or wax it off with Sally Hansen wax strips. They are inexpensive and work well. You COULD bleach it but it's better to just rip the hairs out. If you tan the hairs will become even more prominent. You can also use Nair or Veet to take it away or get a laser hair removal if you want more drastic measures.鈥?/a>
You should wax it. It's very inexpensive and once you wax and it will take a long time to regrow back and plus it will grow out lighter. Waxing should only cost about 7-15 dollars max.
I shave mines somtimes
you can get the facial bleach at target or walgreens鈥?/a>
i use it and it works really good(^-^)
Does marijuana numb your lips and your teeth a little?
i was smoking out of a bong, and felt a sensation of my lips a little bit numb, i kept licking and nibbling and sucking on my lower lip....did the person that i smoked out of the bong, smoke something else in there like crack, coke ....etc..Does marijuana numb your lips and your teeth a little?
ive had that effect smoking weed before. nothing to worry about. just sit back and relax :)Does marijuana numb your lips and your teeth a little?
Yes, weed can do that to you. -LL
ive had that effect smoking weed before. nothing to worry about. just sit back and relax :)Does marijuana numb your lips and your teeth a little?
Yes, weed can do that to you. -LL
I have very chappy lips and would like a to add a little natural color to them without drying them out. HELP!!
burt's bees has this stuff that's chapstick but a bit tinted. it works really well and doesn't dry your lips out.I have very chappy lips and would like a to add a little natural color to them without drying them out. HELP!!
Soft Lips tinted lip colour.I have very chappy lips and would like a to add a little natural color to them without drying them out. HELP!!
put vasaline or a chap stick under your lip gloss or lip stick, for a really good lip scrub mix a tea spoon of brown sugar mixed with a tea spoon of vegetable oil or cooking oil and use on your lips as long as needed.
Try the Super Balm by Bee-Luscious it has healing properties to it. There are many colors to choose from.鈥?/a>
burts bees tinted chapstick it is very soft on your lips and adds a bit of color
use a moisturizing lipgloss or lipstick. clinique has really good ones.
Try a lip tent.(avon)
i swear i cannot get through winter months without Burts is amazing and it gives ur lips this really suttle matte color and mosturizes ur lips sooo well!!! try it!
Try the Blistex green stick. Like a Chapstick that works.
Soft Lips tinted lip colour.I have very chappy lips and would like a to add a little natural color to them without drying them out. HELP!!
put vasaline or a chap stick under your lip gloss or lip stick, for a really good lip scrub mix a tea spoon of brown sugar mixed with a tea spoon of vegetable oil or cooking oil and use on your lips as long as needed.
Try the Super Balm by Bee-Luscious it has healing properties to it. There are many colors to choose from.鈥?/a>
burts bees tinted chapstick it is very soft on your lips and adds a bit of color
use a moisturizing lipgloss or lipstick. clinique has really good ones.
Try a lip tent.(avon)
i swear i cannot get through winter months without Burts is amazing and it gives ur lips this really suttle matte color and mosturizes ur lips sooo well!!! try it!
Try the Blistex green stick. Like a Chapstick that works.
Does any one knwo a good way to make ur lips bigger without a surgery or anything drastic?
DuWop's lip venom, lip fusion.Does any one knwo a good way to make ur lips bigger without a surgery or anything drastic?
put tissue paper under your lip
and you will have a little poutDoes any one knwo a good way to make ur lips bigger without a surgery or anything drastic?
I'm not shure cuz I have naturally full lips but try using a liner and apply it directly on the line of your lips then apply your lipstick or there are glosses and lipsticks that make then look fuller I've heard of sally hansen having something for that...hope I helped some.
Pout constatntly
which lips
That's funny. people want to make thngs bigger while others want to make things smaller. just ry using lipsticks or lip glosses that make your lips stand out. like something bright.
You can buy lip plumpers from Duwop, City Lips etc. I dab a little anti-wrinkle cream on mine daily, seems to plump them up
well if you put on a darker lipstick youre lips will look a little bit bigger b/c they will stand out a little bit more.....good luck
Use a lip liner thats a shade darker that ur skin tone and line the outside of ur lip line.
put tissue paper under your lip
and you will have a little poutDoes any one knwo a good way to make ur lips bigger without a surgery or anything drastic?
I'm not shure cuz I have naturally full lips but try using a liner and apply it directly on the line of your lips then apply your lipstick or there are glosses and lipsticks that make then look fuller I've heard of sally hansen having something for that...hope I helped some.
Pout constatntly
which lips
That's funny. people want to make thngs bigger while others want to make things smaller. just ry using lipsticks or lip glosses that make your lips stand out. like something bright.
You can buy lip plumpers from Duwop, City Lips etc. I dab a little anti-wrinkle cream on mine daily, seems to plump them up
well if you put on a darker lipstick youre lips will look a little bit bigger b/c they will stand out a little bit more.....good luck
Use a lip liner thats a shade darker that ur skin tone and line the outside of ur lip line.
Question about extremely chapped lips?
I have extremely chapped lips, i can feel it, but when i touch my lips, they're really smooth, and feel like nothing's wrong. What's going on here?
thanks!Question about extremely chapped lips?
I have a really hard time with dry lips. I bought a separate tooth brush, i put on just a little bit of unscented moisturizer and brush it in, just wipe off the excess moisturizer when you're done. Then I use Labello Nivea Med Protection lip balm, and it seems to be working. Good luck.Question about extremely chapped lips?
Put on the chapstick and see if that helps the feeling. My lips are always smooth but sometimes they are still dry.
exvoilate them every week u will find a special scrub 4 lips or use vassline and get a smooth toothbrush and scrub them with it and wash them
and wear LIP BALM
Plain old vaseline on my lips works for me. Cheapest thing out there, and so many uses to moisturize...lips, face, chapped hands, dry elbows, cracked heals...
Get the Vibran C Lip Treatment from Bee-Luscious! It will heal your lips not just cover it up with petroleum jelly or wax. This stuff will repair and moisturize your lips. It is so awesome. I have never used anything like it.
i no it sounds wierd, but brush your lips. and put on CARMEX!!!! w00t!
use a lip balm w/ shea butter
thanks!Question about extremely chapped lips?
I have a really hard time with dry lips. I bought a separate tooth brush, i put on just a little bit of unscented moisturizer and brush it in, just wipe off the excess moisturizer when you're done. Then I use Labello Nivea Med Protection lip balm, and it seems to be working. Good luck.Question about extremely chapped lips?
Put on the chapstick and see if that helps the feeling. My lips are always smooth but sometimes they are still dry.
exvoilate them every week u will find a special scrub 4 lips or use vassline and get a smooth toothbrush and scrub them with it and wash them
and wear LIP BALM
Plain old vaseline on my lips works for me. Cheapest thing out there, and so many uses to moisturize...lips, face, chapped hands, dry elbows, cracked heals...
Get the Vibran C Lip Treatment from Bee-Luscious! It will heal your lips not just cover it up with petroleum jelly or wax. This stuff will repair and moisturize your lips. It is so awesome. I have never used anything like it.
i no it sounds wierd, but brush your lips. and put on CARMEX!!!! w00t!
use a lip balm w/ shea butter
Does persistent dry cracking lips mean possible deficiency in something?
It's a sign of essential fatty acids (EFA's). %26amp; zinc %26amp; B6 (try ur local health shop), the best source of EFA I know of is Flaxeed oil
%26amp; it's also a sign of dehydration.Does persistent dry cracking lips mean possible deficiency in something?
Sorry I forgot to add Source link:
check out this site, has lots of good info regarding alternatives it's worth looking up if you need it for other things in the future just type in words in search,eg dry lips)
thank you,with luvxx Report Abuse
Does persistent dry cracking lips mean possible deficiency in something?
Two cowboys were riding across the desert. Every so often one of the coqwboys dismounted from his horse, went to its rear, lifted its tail and kissed it. He then got back on horse. After several of these stops the other cowboy said 'Why do you keep doing that mate?' 'I've got chapped lips', said his mate. 'Is that a cure then?' enquired the 2nd cowboy. 'No, but it stops me licking them' said his mate.
Yes you need to drink more water.
Or stop skiing.
Probably a lack of moisture. Drink more water and use a good moisturiser
It could mean that you're dehydrated. Drink more water.
The most likely possibility is that your lips are drying unduly quickly.
The most common reason for this drying up is that you do MOUTH BREATHING and this happens when you have blocked nose as a result of a chronic sinusitis or nasal polyps.
You must be seen by an ENT professional. In the meantime use these lip ointment like Lipseal.
lack of water, also try putting some vaseline on before bed. that helps seal moisture in.
common sense?
don't lick your lips the constant wetting and drying that occurs with this causes chapped lips, and fast.
go onto this site it has loads of info鈥?/a>
When you say you drink plenty of water, is it good quality water? Municipal water and purified bottled water contain chlorine, which can dehydrate you despite how much you drink. Try drinking spring or steam distilled water. I had chronic dry lips until I learned about this. Now that I only drink quality water, my lips are fine
Sore red areas at corners of lips can mean deficiency of Vitamin B12 and folate (red only is too much red wine lately!) - either not enough in diet or body not absorbing (lack of intrinsic factor in stomach secretions) but sorted with 3-monthly injections at doctor's after 2-weekly course of 6 jags - eat yer greens!!eye liquid
%26amp; it's also a sign of dehydration.Does persistent dry cracking lips mean possible deficiency in something?
Sorry I forgot to add Source link:
check out this site, has lots of good info regarding alternatives it's worth looking up if you need it for other things in the future just type in words in search,eg dry lips)
thank you,with luvxx Report Abuse
Does persistent dry cracking lips mean possible deficiency in something?
Two cowboys were riding across the desert. Every so often one of the coqwboys dismounted from his horse, went to its rear, lifted its tail and kissed it. He then got back on horse. After several of these stops the other cowboy said 'Why do you keep doing that mate?' 'I've got chapped lips', said his mate. 'Is that a cure then?' enquired the 2nd cowboy. 'No, but it stops me licking them' said his mate.
Yes you need to drink more water.
Or stop skiing.
Probably a lack of moisture. Drink more water and use a good moisturiser
It could mean that you're dehydrated. Drink more water.
The most likely possibility is that your lips are drying unduly quickly.
The most common reason for this drying up is that you do MOUTH BREATHING and this happens when you have blocked nose as a result of a chronic sinusitis or nasal polyps.
You must be seen by an ENT professional. In the meantime use these lip ointment like Lipseal.
lack of water, also try putting some vaseline on before bed. that helps seal moisture in.
common sense?
don't lick your lips the constant wetting and drying that occurs with this causes chapped lips, and fast.
go onto this site it has loads of info鈥?/a>
When you say you drink plenty of water, is it good quality water? Municipal water and purified bottled water contain chlorine, which can dehydrate you despite how much you drink. Try drinking spring or steam distilled water. I had chronic dry lips until I learned about this. Now that I only drink quality water, my lips are fine
Sore red areas at corners of lips can mean deficiency of Vitamin B12 and folate (red only is too much red wine lately!) - either not enough in diet or body not absorbing (lack of intrinsic factor in stomach secretions) but sorted with 3-monthly injections at doctor's after 2-weekly course of 6 jags - eat yer greens!!
Where can i find the thing they inject in your lips to make em big so i can do it myself?
i HIGHLY recomend gettign done professionaly .Where can i find the thing they inject in your lips to make em big so i can do it myself?
they use restylane and no you cannot buy it to do it yourself
they use restylane and no you cannot buy it to do it yourself
On the xbox game 'lips' it says 'connecting' next to all of my friends names?
how i can actually get to challenge my friends and why does it just say 'connecting'?On the xbox game 'lips' it says 'connecting' next to all of my friends names?
i think it's just trying to get a connection to all of them and when thats done it's going to let you invite them
i think it's just trying to get a connection to all of them and when thats done it's going to let you invite them
Could you ever eat a sugary doghnut without licking your lips?!?
Have you ever seen the Seinfeld episode where they eat a Snickers Bar with a knife and fork?? LOL You could cut it with a knife and fork.
Or.... you could do what i do with a fresh doughnut in just 4 easy steps!!!
step 1) Fold over doughnut
step 2) shove entire doughnut in mouth
step 3) swallow doughtnut (((no chewing allowed)))
and most importantly the last step....
step 4) REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT steps 1-3 :-)Could you ever eat a sugary doghnut without licking your lips?!?
Just...Not...possible! Could you ever eat a sugary doghnut without licking your lips?!?
No? Well unless you wipe it off with tissue or something...
nope tried many times but never managed it :))
No it would drive me CRAZY!
nope. tried it and didnt turn out so good. lol
Or.... you could do what i do with a fresh doughnut in just 4 easy steps!!!
step 1) Fold over doughnut
step 2) shove entire doughnut in mouth
step 3) swallow doughtnut (((no chewing allowed)))
and most importantly the last step....
step 4) REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT steps 1-3 :-)Could you ever eat a sugary doghnut without licking your lips?!?
Just...Not...possible! Could you ever eat a sugary doghnut without licking your lips?!?
No? Well unless you wipe it off with tissue or something...
nope tried many times but never managed it :))
No it would drive me CRAZY!
nope. tried it and didnt turn out so good. lol
Shush girl shut your lips... does any other song get as stuck in you head?
You know the song...Shush girl shut your lips... does any other song get as stuck in you head?
lol xD
3oh!3 - don't trust me
song stuck in my head;
- your gonna go fair kid , the offspringShush girl shut your lips... does any other song get as stuck in you head?
Just do the Hellen Keller and talk with Your Hips!
I freakin love that song!
That song, believe it or not, gets stuck in my head.
Also, Teenagers by My Chemical Romance does.
3oh!3 Don't Trust Me, good song
';i hate you hate you hate you i never thought i say to many times';
Im yours by Jason Mraz
really catchy.
Do the helen keller and talk with your hips!
Currently: Medicine- Kim Leoni
The ABC's.
Don't Trust Me :: 3OH!3
';Do the Hellen Keller, And Talk With Your Hips!'; I LOVE IT!!!!
Kinky Boots
hot and cold gets stuck in my head lol
lol xD
3oh!3 - don't trust me
song stuck in my head;
- your gonna go fair kid , the offspringShush girl shut your lips... does any other song get as stuck in you head?
Just do the Hellen Keller and talk with Your Hips!
I freakin love that song!
That song, believe it or not, gets stuck in my head.
Also, Teenagers by My Chemical Romance does.
3oh!3 Don't Trust Me, good song
';i hate you hate you hate you i never thought i say to many times';
Im yours by Jason Mraz
really catchy.
Do the helen keller and talk with your hips!
Currently: Medicine- Kim Leoni
The ABC's.
Don't Trust Me :: 3OH!3
';Do the Hellen Keller, And Talk With Your Hips!'; I LOVE IT!!!!
Kinky Boots
hot and cold gets stuck in my head lol
I can't stop chewing on the inside of my lips...?
I chew on the inside of my lips when I am bored or nervous or anxious. I pull the skin off with my teeth, sometimes until my lips bleed. I can't stop. I've tried. Help!I can't stop chewing on the inside of my lips...?
I do the same thing as everyone is saying (including pushing my lips to the other side of my face when I chew the inside of my cheeks). I sometimes pick and peel the skin off my lips with my nails. It is a nervous habit from stress or just trying to keep your hands busy. Especially in the winter when your lips are dry and cracked anyway. Once the flesh is torn up, the little pieces become painfully distracting and you keep doing it, I know!
I keep a thick layer of lip balm on and remind myself that it can lead to scarring, mouth ulcers, infections and possibly cancer when the natural barrier of protection is torn off, exposing vulnerable tissue and blood vessels!
I had to self-discipline to stop. Try gum or a mint candy. I also twirl my hair to keep my hands busy. Reading can help too.
Try to avoid a stressful situation that triggers the biting reaction.
Once you get your lips healed, the smoothness will help keep you from doing it, at least that's what helps me.I can't stop chewing on the inside of my lips...?
yuppp i know how this goes. Try biting the inside of your cheek. It's so hard to stop this habit! I've been doing it for years. Don't bite the outside of your lips, but the inside of your cheek. Then, it's less visible and you can bite even more. lol :)
i do that all the friggin time.. thought i was the only one. --- what helps me is to quote phillipines 4:6-7 a few times and it calms me down. cause i only do that when i'm worryin
I do that too sometimes.
Its a habit phase that comes and goes.
Just give it a while I guess.
OMG I Do Thee Same Thing..But I Dont Kno How TO Help And I Always Put MY Lips On The Side Of My Face
I do the same thing as everyone is saying (including pushing my lips to the other side of my face when I chew the inside of my cheeks). I sometimes pick and peel the skin off my lips with my nails. It is a nervous habit from stress or just trying to keep your hands busy. Especially in the winter when your lips are dry and cracked anyway. Once the flesh is torn up, the little pieces become painfully distracting and you keep doing it, I know!
I keep a thick layer of lip balm on and remind myself that it can lead to scarring, mouth ulcers, infections and possibly cancer when the natural barrier of protection is torn off, exposing vulnerable tissue and blood vessels!
I had to self-discipline to stop. Try gum or a mint candy. I also twirl my hair to keep my hands busy. Reading can help too.
Try to avoid a stressful situation that triggers the biting reaction.
Once you get your lips healed, the smoothness will help keep you from doing it, at least that's what helps me.I can't stop chewing on the inside of my lips...?
yuppp i know how this goes. Try biting the inside of your cheek. It's so hard to stop this habit! I've been doing it for years. Don't bite the outside of your lips, but the inside of your cheek. Then, it's less visible and you can bite even more. lol :)
i do that all the friggin time.. thought i was the only one. --- what helps me is to quote phillipines 4:6-7 a few times and it calms me down. cause i only do that when i'm worryin
I do that too sometimes.
Its a habit phase that comes and goes.
Just give it a while I guess.
OMG I Do Thee Same Thing..But I Dont Kno How TO Help And I Always Put MY Lips On The Side Of My Face
The half of my lips have been swollen for a month. PLZ HELP ME?
wat should i do.
plz tell me.The half of my lips have been swollen for a month. PLZ HELP ME?
Go to a doc. might b infected. good luck!eye liquid
plz tell me.The half of my lips have been swollen for a month. PLZ HELP ME?
Go to a doc. might b infected. good luck!
Do you have kissable lips and a nice smile?
yes i do have kissable lips that are very dark red it always looks like i am wearing lip stick lolDo you have kissable lips and a nice smile?
i dont know, do i?Do you have kissable lips and a nice smile?
yes %26amp; yes
my computer says no
yes and my boyfriend says i have a million dollar smile! :]
I have neither.
Yes I do !
oh yes...i do..
yes i do
i dont know, do i?Do you have kissable lips and a nice smile?
yes %26amp; yes
my computer says no
yes and my boyfriend says i have a million dollar smile! :]
I have neither.
Yes I do !
oh yes...i do..
yes i do
Does hot sauce make lips swell?
I find that whenever i eat something with lots of hot sauce, my lips get fatter and a darker red. Im not sure if its just my imagination though, but im pretty sure im not going crazy when i see this. So, does anyone know anything about that? my lips dont feel irritated or anything, but yeah. just curious.Does hot sauce make lips swell?
just like any part of your body, an irritant will swell you up.
capsaicin is the irritant found in chili peppers. which would be the main culprit.
salt would be another that could have this effect, if you're really sensitive.Does hot sauce make lips swell?
Something is wrong, its better to know what is causing this Allergy, get an Allergy test done.It could be anything in the sauce.
just like any part of your body, an irritant will swell you up.
capsaicin is the irritant found in chili peppers. which would be the main culprit.
salt would be another that could have this effect, if you're really sensitive.Does hot sauce make lips swell?
Something is wrong, its better to know what is causing this Allergy, get an Allergy test done.It could be anything in the sauce.
I heard it was okay to put lotion on your lips?
Is this true?? if so, is it healthy or anything? Thx! i rly appreciate it. =DI heard it was okay to put lotion on your lips?
hmmm, you know, there are a lot of chemicals in hand lotions. i have a hand lotion called satin hands from mary kay and i love it. it's got no harsh chemicals in it at all. i sell both mary kay and avon and i sell satin hands to everyone at my husband's work because all their hands are awful terribly dry. mary kay also makes this thing called satin lips. it's soooo awesome! i love it. my lips were never chapped to begin with, but i use this every night and there are like, no wrinkles in my lips or around them. they're like silk! if you wanna email me i can help you get set up with a routine or at least give you some tips. i've taken skin care and makeup classes and i just love doing this for people. sarahblanco06@yahoo.comI heard it was okay to put lotion on your lips?
lol, where did u hear that from??, but i can't really say anything cause yeah, i tried it, but guess what, it doesn't really do anything, but dry up ur lips! so don't try it, stick to chapsticks and lip gloss!!!
It is...but it's better to put chapstick on them. Lotion is only for emergencies.
ohhh yes thats fine to put lt on your lips and lts healthy
yeah, when i was lil my mom told me to put lotion on my lips when they were chapped
works kinda better than chapstick, tasted kinda good too
it should be fine as long as you don't swallow it, though not sure it will work the best. vaseline and aquaphor are best for lips.
it's okay but i would go with blistex medicated, cherry chapstick, and burts bee's replinishing with pomegrante oil. i mainly use all those.
it wears off easily and can feel pretty greasy
I do if i don't have chapstick it helps with the dryness.
nonono- get good lip stuff like carmex or blistex
i did one just recently cuz i couldn't find my chapstick and was too lazy to get vaseline
not too bad actually =) but i guess it also depends on what lotion
Why would you want to?
It probably isn't that bad for you as long as you aren't like eating tons and tons of it. It probably doesn't taste good though.
I think Vaseline is the best.
i had a friend who was on accutane it made her very dry, even her lips she would take this very thick moisturizer and use it as a mask for her lips and wear it for 3-5mins. It worked great! If you are prone to breakouts at all I wouldn't recommend it though.
hmmm, you know, there are a lot of chemicals in hand lotions. i have a hand lotion called satin hands from mary kay and i love it. it's got no harsh chemicals in it at all. i sell both mary kay and avon and i sell satin hands to everyone at my husband's work because all their hands are awful terribly dry. mary kay also makes this thing called satin lips. it's soooo awesome! i love it. my lips were never chapped to begin with, but i use this every night and there are like, no wrinkles in my lips or around them. they're like silk! if you wanna email me i can help you get set up with a routine or at least give you some tips. i've taken skin care and makeup classes and i just love doing this for people. sarahblanco06@yahoo.comI heard it was okay to put lotion on your lips?
lol, where did u hear that from??, but i can't really say anything cause yeah, i tried it, but guess what, it doesn't really do anything, but dry up ur lips! so don't try it, stick to chapsticks and lip gloss!!!
It is...but it's better to put chapstick on them. Lotion is only for emergencies.
ohhh yes thats fine to put lt on your lips and lts healthy
yeah, when i was lil my mom told me to put lotion on my lips when they were chapped
works kinda better than chapstick, tasted kinda good too
it should be fine as long as you don't swallow it, though not sure it will work the best. vaseline and aquaphor are best for lips.
it's okay but i would go with blistex medicated, cherry chapstick, and burts bee's replinishing with pomegrante oil. i mainly use all those.
it wears off easily and can feel pretty greasy
I do if i don't have chapstick it helps with the dryness.
nonono- get good lip stuff like carmex or blistex
i did one just recently cuz i couldn't find my chapstick and was too lazy to get vaseline
not too bad actually =) but i guess it also depends on what lotion
Why would you want to?
It probably isn't that bad for you as long as you aren't like eating tons and tons of it. It probably doesn't taste good though.
I think Vaseline is the best.
i had a friend who was on accutane it made her very dry, even her lips she would take this very thick moisturizer and use it as a mask for her lips and wear it for 3-5mins. It worked great! If you are prone to breakouts at all I wouldn't recommend it though.
Shush girl shush your lips do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips?
i hate that song XD
anyone else????
it comes on the radio all the time!!!!!!!!Shush girl shush your lips do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips?
I hate it too.
I hate 3OH!3 in general!Shush girl shush your lips do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips?
Black dress, with the tights underneath.
I've got the breath of a last cigarette on my teeth.
And she's an actress, (actress), but she ain't got no need.
She's got money from her parents in a trust fund back east.
T-t-t-tongues, always pressed to your cheeks.
While my tongue is on the inside of some other girl's teeth.
T-tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef,
That I'm a vegetarian, and I ain't ******* scared of him.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, woah-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust hoe
`won't trust me.
X's on the back of your hands,
Wash them in the bathroom to drink like the bands,
And the set list(set list), you stole off the stage,
Had red and purple lipstick all over the page.
Br-br-br-bruises, cover your arms.
Shaking in the fingers with the bottle in your palm.
And the best is,(best is) no one knows who you are,
Just another girl: alone at the bar.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.
Shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
She wants to touch me who-oh.
She wants to love me who-oh.
She'll never leave me who-oh, who-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.x2
oh come on dont act like you dont like the song i know you do hahha....just kidding dude calm down..
Omj, I can't stand that song! Everyone sings it and it drives me crazy! They play it on the radio too much, it's come to the point were I either mute my radio or turn it off to find something else to do. Ugh, I strongly dislike that song.
I too hate it. More than anything.
It has potential until that Helen Keller line. I'm usually open minded but da-yum!! Do the Helen Keller?!
....ok it's pretty funny but I still don't like the song.
I sing along to it because it's catchy , but I dislike it . What the heck kind of lyrics are those anyway ? I'm pretty sure Hellen Keller didn't ';talk with her hips.'; What is this world coming to ?
the song is pretty ridiculous.';tell your boyfriend,if he says he's got beef,that im a vegitarian and i aint ******** scared of him'; i laugh whenever i hear it
I've never actually never heard the song before, but I hear people singing it all the time.
Sounds like a song that I would hate.
i dont listen to radio stations that play that type of music (classic rock girl) but i know the songs and honestly its a joke between me and my friends
if u hate the song then turn off the radio
i used to like it until people became obsessed with it and started singing it.
I like it, however i heard it before it started getting played on the radio and music channels all the time, i heard about 3OH!3 through some friends who live in america.
I like the tune and the rhythm and stuff, but it's such a stupid song. XD
I hate that song. Besides, Helen Keller was able to talk; she just couldn't learn for a long time.
hahah that song is annoying!!!!!! lol
i love that song! its called Dont trust me
haha this song is great
i love that song!
Haha, i actually like that song xD
it is annoying though... it's just ';one of those songs';
i knew it 6 months before it came on the radio. i loved it before the radios played it; now its over-played.
i love that song.
I know it's really annoying!! I know it has a tune and everything, but I hate the words!!!!!!
i agree! i liked it the first time i heard it. now i change the station as soon as it comes on.
i hate it the most most
Helen Keller was hot! Its not easy talking with your hips you know.
Join the club!!!!!
love :D
tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef...that i'm a vegetarian and i aint f*ckin scared of him :D
lol... its annoying after hearing it soo many times
it is getting old aint it.
its OK prettty catchy but nothing too speical for me
oh PLEASE tell me those aren't actual lyrics!! seriously what. the. ****.
anyone else????
it comes on the radio all the time!!!!!!!!Shush girl shush your lips do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips?
I hate it too.
I hate 3OH!3 in general!Shush girl shush your lips do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips?
Black dress, with the tights underneath.
I've got the breath of a last cigarette on my teeth.
And she's an actress, (actress), but she ain't got no need.
She's got money from her parents in a trust fund back east.
T-t-t-tongues, always pressed to your cheeks.
While my tongue is on the inside of some other girl's teeth.
T-tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef,
That I'm a vegetarian, and I ain't ******* scared of him.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, woah-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust hoe
`won't trust me.
X's on the back of your hands,
Wash them in the bathroom to drink like the bands,
And the set list(set list), you stole off the stage,
Had red and purple lipstick all over the page.
Br-br-br-bruises, cover your arms.
Shaking in the fingers with the bottle in your palm.
And the best is,(best is) no one knows who you are,
Just another girl: alone at the bar.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.
Shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
She wants to touch me who-oh.
She wants to love me who-oh.
She'll never leave me who-oh, who-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.
She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a hoe.
Never trust a hoe.
Won't trust a hoe
won't trust me.x2
oh come on dont act like you dont like the song i know you do hahha....just kidding dude calm down..
Omj, I can't stand that song! Everyone sings it and it drives me crazy! They play it on the radio too much, it's come to the point were I either mute my radio or turn it off to find something else to do. Ugh, I strongly dislike that song.
I too hate it. More than anything.
It has potential until that Helen Keller line. I'm usually open minded but da-yum!! Do the Helen Keller?!
....ok it's pretty funny but I still don't like the song.
I sing along to it because it's catchy , but I dislike it . What the heck kind of lyrics are those anyway ? I'm pretty sure Hellen Keller didn't ';talk with her hips.'; What is this world coming to ?
the song is pretty ridiculous.';tell your boyfriend,if he says he's got beef,that im a vegitarian and i aint ******** scared of him'; i laugh whenever i hear it
I've never actually never heard the song before, but I hear people singing it all the time.
Sounds like a song that I would hate.
i dont listen to radio stations that play that type of music (classic rock girl) but i know the songs and honestly its a joke between me and my friends
if u hate the song then turn off the radio
i used to like it until people became obsessed with it and started singing it.
I like it, however i heard it before it started getting played on the radio and music channels all the time, i heard about 3OH!3 through some friends who live in america.
I like the tune and the rhythm and stuff, but it's such a stupid song. XD
I hate that song. Besides, Helen Keller was able to talk; she just couldn't learn for a long time.
hahah that song is annoying!!!!!! lol
i love that song! its called Dont trust me
haha this song is great
i love that song!
Haha, i actually like that song xD
it is annoying though... it's just ';one of those songs';
i knew it 6 months before it came on the radio. i loved it before the radios played it; now its over-played.
i love that song.
I know it's really annoying!! I know it has a tune and everything, but I hate the words!!!!!!
i agree! i liked it the first time i heard it. now i change the station as soon as it comes on.
i hate it the most most
Helen Keller was hot! Its not easy talking with your hips you know.
Join the club!!!!!
love :D
tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef...that i'm a vegetarian and i aint f*ckin scared of him :D
lol... its annoying after hearing it soo many times
it is getting old aint it.
its OK prettty catchy but nothing too speical for me
oh PLEASE tell me those aren't actual lyrics!! seriously what. the. ****.
Does anyone have a fast remedy for swollen, chapped, itchy lips? It is so painful!?
Thursday night I used chap stick for a minor chapped lip. I woke up Friday morning and my lips were huge! They were swollen and itchy. I used Vaseline but it is not helping. I am guessing I will have to get some Benadryl but I am hoping someone has a better suggestion. Benadryl puts me to sleep.Does anyone have a fast remedy for swollen, chapped, itchy lips? It is so painful!?
maybe you're allergic to something in the chap stick? maybe go to your doctor, he can give you something that will take care of it quick..also, if it is a allergic reaction, maybe try taking claritin. Keep using vaseline till you go to your doctorDoes anyone have a fast remedy for swollen, chapped, itchy lips? It is so painful!?
ice those suckers downn!
maybe you're allergic to something in the chap stick? maybe go to your doctor, he can give you something that will take care of it quick..also, if it is a allergic reaction, maybe try taking claritin. Keep using vaseline till you go to your doctorDoes anyone have a fast remedy for swollen, chapped, itchy lips? It is so painful!?
ice those suckers downn!
Why are lips always red? i put light lipgloss or lipstick on my lips but it dosent work or change to the color
ehh idk
put a few dabs liquid foundation on your lips
then apply the glossWhy are lips always red? i put light lipgloss or lipstick on my lips but it dosent work or change to the color
Try putting a little bit of creamy foundation on your lips, then top it with clear lipgloss or chapstick. It works really well for me, and I have the same problem as you.Why are lips always red? i put light lipgloss or lipstick on my lips but it dosent work or change to the color
My mate puts foundation on her lips.. make sure you apply a clear coat of gloss after so your lips don't get dry though x
Use a nude or goldy tone or foundation then apply the gloss or lipstick. Try rimmel vinyl stars its amazing and it really brings out loads of colour. By the way red lips are hot hot hot at the moment
i don't know why your lips are red but use a foundation or concealer and put that on before your gloss
Well my lips aren't red...*pout*..... so lucky your best shot is lipstick.... Try a skin tone lipstick then a colored lipgloss. Or you could just live with your red lips.... *sniff sniff*
haha mine are always red too loleye liquid
put a few dabs liquid foundation on your lips
then apply the glossWhy are lips always red? i put light lipgloss or lipstick on my lips but it dosent work or change to the color
Try putting a little bit of creamy foundation on your lips, then top it with clear lipgloss or chapstick. It works really well for me, and I have the same problem as you.Why are lips always red? i put light lipgloss or lipstick on my lips but it dosent work or change to the color
My mate puts foundation on her lips.. make sure you apply a clear coat of gloss after so your lips don't get dry though x
Use a nude or goldy tone or foundation then apply the gloss or lipstick. Try rimmel vinyl stars its amazing and it really brings out loads of colour. By the way red lips are hot hot hot at the moment
i don't know why your lips are red but use a foundation or concealer and put that on before your gloss
Well my lips aren't red...*pout*..... so lucky your best shot is lipstick.... Try a skin tone lipstick then a colored lipgloss. Or you could just live with your red lips.... *sniff sniff*
haha mine are always red too lol
Itchy Mouth, and tingling lips. Frequent goosebumps.?
I have small (so small they are barely visible to the naked eye) clear, blistery bumps on my lips, and my lips pulsate tingling. The roof of my mouth is extremely ticklish, and the back of my tongue is also ticklish. I often get goosebumps, very often. I've noticed these symptoms for about 2 days now. I do not get allergies and am not on any medication. What am I caught with?Itchy Mouth, and tingling lips. Frequent goosebumps.?
You're allergic to something. Eat a really bland diet for awhile. No berries, tomatoes, potatoes, peanut products, eggs, dairy. Eliminate as much as you're willing to as far as those foods people are commonly allergic to. Then add them back one at a time slowly. It may take some time, but you will eventually find what you are allergic to. Or go for allergy tests. Itchy Mouth, and tingling lips. Frequent goosebumps.?
i noticed the same thing happens to my lips when im dehydrated.My lips get really chapped.The get swollen with lil bumps on them and it hurts.I went to the doctor for it and they said my lips were very chapped.I would start drinking more and puting blistick on your lips to hydrate them.see if that helps.
it almost sounds as if you have a cold sore or canker sores. these usually go away in a week to 10 days. as for the ticklish feeling- everybody has ticklish sensations on the roof of the mouth- its normal
The sensations and blisters are a sign of herpes.
You're allergic to something. Eat a really bland diet for awhile. No berries, tomatoes, potatoes, peanut products, eggs, dairy. Eliminate as much as you're willing to as far as those foods people are commonly allergic to. Then add them back one at a time slowly. It may take some time, but you will eventually find what you are allergic to. Or go for allergy tests. Itchy Mouth, and tingling lips. Frequent goosebumps.?
i noticed the same thing happens to my lips when im dehydrated.My lips get really chapped.The get swollen with lil bumps on them and it hurts.I went to the doctor for it and they said my lips were very chapped.I would start drinking more and puting blistick on your lips to hydrate them.see if that helps.
it almost sounds as if you have a cold sore or canker sores. these usually go away in a week to 10 days. as for the ticklish feeling- everybody has ticklish sensations on the roof of the mouth- its normal
The sensations and blisters are a sign of herpes.
If a guy tells a girl she has nice lips, does he want to kiss her?
I was at a baseball game as a fundraiser for my middle school's marching band. My group of friends met this freshman Kyle. He's 14 I'm 13, and we like really hit it off. And we're like talking and he tells me 'you have nice lips',If a guy tells a girl she has nice lips, does he want to kiss her?
Yes he wants to kiss youIf a guy tells a girl she has nice lips, does he want to kiss her?
It might be freudian, but it was more likely a sincere compliment.
Don't read too much into what guys say or do, we're not as smart as you think.
Women think with both sides of their brain. Men use one side or the other (it's true, you can look this up). Where you may see multiple levels of inent (because of the way you're able to think), men aren't even capable of that kind of awareness.
he's probbaly just wants you to be the one to kiss him first because, and he's probably never kissed a girl before and this is his only way to tell you without being embarrassed, so maybe next time when he gives you a compliment like this you should just go for it and give him a little kiss :] but yeah he probably does want to kiss you.
oh yes he wants to kiss you ! even if he said ';you have nice hair/legs/nails'; he's still giving you a staight-said compliment which probably means he likes you. But the fact that he said Lips, he's subconconciously begging you to kiss him! flirt back like crazy and take it from there
it depends on how he says it. i get told that by most of my guy friends and only a third wanted to kiss me and the other third just sed it to say it and the other third actually tried to kiss me and only one succeeded.
I say about 8 time out 10
I have used that line before %26amp; the way I see it if he is staring at your lips there has to be a reason for it, or maybe he just really likes to look at lips
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You're using the word ';like'; incorrectly in your paragraph you wrote.
But anyway, it could mean he wants to kiss you. Or it could simply mean you have nice lips. Not all guys think the same way so there is no definite answer.
YES! That is one of my favorite parts of the girls body, and obviously that means he was focusing on your lips for some reason...and thats the reason. I say that all the time when I wanna kiss a girl.
He would of just been fishing for a compliment. I couldn't tell ya. He is a guy he could of just been saying it to say it.
If he's paying that much attention to your lips, then he's definitely thinking about kissing them.
That is a very good could also mean he thinks you have D.S.L. and no that does not mean direct satellite link.....Docker knows what I am talking about...LOL
maybe your eyes are to ugly to compliment. haha
Either that or he's a cannibal and wants them for a barbecue.
he might want to kiss you or he was just giving you a compliment it also depends on how he says it
It's a strong possibility
Yes! he was hitting on you. out of all the things he could compliment you on he chose lips, that means he was whaching them, which means he was thinking about them! ;-)
Not necessarily
Yes, if a guy says you have nice lips he wants to kiss you.
He was trying to flirt with you by giving you a compliment. the question is Do you want him to Kiss You???
Yes because lips are the main point of kissing x
No, it doesn't mean he wants to kiss you.
nice lips and a mighty pretty mouth, I know what he is wanting.
if he's a player then he's just gettin u to like him
but if not he mite be attracted to u an wants to kiss u
Yeah I think that wuz defiantly a pass that he wanted to kiss u.
yes! for him to say that, he was looking at your lips. he was so thinking about it :) i think he likes you%26lt;3
dont think that because he could be a player.
you have allot of growing up to do before you are ready for the dating scene
sounds like he likes youuuu
he might just want some head
Yes he wants to kiss youIf a guy tells a girl she has nice lips, does he want to kiss her?
It might be freudian, but it was more likely a sincere compliment.
Don't read too much into what guys say or do, we're not as smart as you think.
Women think with both sides of their brain. Men use one side or the other (it's true, you can look this up). Where you may see multiple levels of inent (because of the way you're able to think), men aren't even capable of that kind of awareness.
he's probbaly just wants you to be the one to kiss him first because, and he's probably never kissed a girl before and this is his only way to tell you without being embarrassed, so maybe next time when he gives you a compliment like this you should just go for it and give him a little kiss :] but yeah he probably does want to kiss you.
oh yes he wants to kiss you ! even if he said ';you have nice hair/legs/nails'; he's still giving you a staight-said compliment which probably means he likes you. But the fact that he said Lips, he's subconconciously begging you to kiss him! flirt back like crazy and take it from there
it depends on how he says it. i get told that by most of my guy friends and only a third wanted to kiss me and the other third just sed it to say it and the other third actually tried to kiss me and only one succeeded.
I say about 8 time out 10
I have used that line before %26amp; the way I see it if he is staring at your lips there has to be a reason for it, or maybe he just really likes to look at lips
Follow me on twitter
You're using the word ';like'; incorrectly in your paragraph you wrote.
But anyway, it could mean he wants to kiss you. Or it could simply mean you have nice lips. Not all guys think the same way so there is no definite answer.
YES! That is one of my favorite parts of the girls body, and obviously that means he was focusing on your lips for some reason...and thats the reason. I say that all the time when I wanna kiss a girl.
He would of just been fishing for a compliment. I couldn't tell ya. He is a guy he could of just been saying it to say it.
If he's paying that much attention to your lips, then he's definitely thinking about kissing them.
That is a very good could also mean he thinks you have D.S.L. and no that does not mean direct satellite link.....Docker knows what I am talking about...LOL
maybe your eyes are to ugly to compliment. haha
Either that or he's a cannibal and wants them for a barbecue.
he might want to kiss you or he was just giving you a compliment it also depends on how he says it
It's a strong possibility
Yes! he was hitting on you. out of all the things he could compliment you on he chose lips, that means he was whaching them, which means he was thinking about them! ;-)
Not necessarily
Yes, if a guy says you have nice lips he wants to kiss you.
He was trying to flirt with you by giving you a compliment. the question is Do you want him to Kiss You???
Yes because lips are the main point of kissing x
No, it doesn't mean he wants to kiss you.
nice lips and a mighty pretty mouth, I know what he is wanting.
if he's a player then he's just gettin u to like him
but if not he mite be attracted to u an wants to kiss u
Yeah I think that wuz defiantly a pass that he wanted to kiss u.
yes! for him to say that, he was looking at your lips. he was so thinking about it :) i think he likes you%26lt;3
dont think that because he could be a player.
you have allot of growing up to do before you are ready for the dating scene
sounds like he likes youuuu
he might just want some head
Why are my lips burning and tingling?
Lips are dry. No cold sore.Why are my lips burning and tingling?
You've probably just eaten or drank something,you were allegic to,and did'nt know it. You can purchase a tube of ';over-the-counter'; cortizone cream (read the directions,to see if it can be used on the lips first),or try ';Carmex'; lip balm. The menthol and camphor,will soothe the itch and dryness. Apply 3 times a day,and making the 3rd application at bedtime. If there is redness,or swelling,then seek medical help.Why are my lips burning and tingling?
Thank you for choosing my answer. Hope your felling better! (smile) Report Abuse
They could possibly be chapped due to the cooler climate in the Winter months. Try to use some chap-stick (especially the medicated kind), maybe that will give you some relief.
they are chaped. try using blistex. but only untill they stop buring because they will no longer make the natural oils needed to moisterize themselves if you use it to much
You've probably just eaten or drank something,you were allegic to,and did'nt know it. You can purchase a tube of ';over-the-counter'; cortizone cream (read the directions,to see if it can be used on the lips first),or try ';Carmex'; lip balm. The menthol and camphor,will soothe the itch and dryness. Apply 3 times a day,and making the 3rd application at bedtime. If there is redness,or swelling,then seek medical help.Why are my lips burning and tingling?
Thank you for choosing my answer. Hope your felling better! (smile) Report Abuse
They could possibly be chapped due to the cooler climate in the Winter months. Try to use some chap-stick (especially the medicated kind), maybe that will give you some relief.
they are chaped. try using blistex. but only untill they stop buring because they will no longer make the natural oils needed to moisterize themselves if you use it to much
I'm looking for a karaoke game for my xbox 360 and all i've found is lips and american idol...which is better?
i heard syncstar is better on there something similar to that on xbox 360 or is that what lips is?I'm looking for a karaoke game for my xbox 360 and all i've found is lips and american idol...which is better?
get guitar hero world tour so we can battle together onlineI'm looking for a karaoke game for my xbox 360 and all i've found is lips and american idol...which is better?
SingStar on the PS3 is pretty good; Lips is the 360 equivalent and it's almost as good. American Idol is OK, I wasn't too impressed.
Consider Rock Band / Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero World Tour as well. Those are full band games, but you can choose to just play as the vocalist. Both of those have bigger song selections (Rock Band 2 has the most if you include downloadable content songs), but because they're not for singing only some of the songs are kind of boring to sing.
Sooooo the long answer to this is We have lips and I have found it very entertaining but the songs that have been released for it have been very slow in coming to the market. Where American Idol has a lot of additional content so maybe you should look over the play list for both of them and review which one has the songs that you like or would like to sing to. I love the wireless microphone and can't wait for the patch to come out so we can use the wireless microphone on Rock Band. They are both good games in their own right also with Idol there is game play where lips you just sing. Good Luck
lips... no advertising endorsement
I'm with that AliG girl. Go with Guitar Hero.
I've heard Lips is better.
get guitar hero world tour so we can battle together onlineI'm looking for a karaoke game for my xbox 360 and all i've found is lips and american idol...which is better?
SingStar on the PS3 is pretty good; Lips is the 360 equivalent and it's almost as good. American Idol is OK, I wasn't too impressed.
Consider Rock Band / Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero World Tour as well. Those are full band games, but you can choose to just play as the vocalist. Both of those have bigger song selections (Rock Band 2 has the most if you include downloadable content songs), but because they're not for singing only some of the songs are kind of boring to sing.
Sooooo the long answer to this is We have lips and I have found it very entertaining but the songs that have been released for it have been very slow in coming to the market. Where American Idol has a lot of additional content so maybe you should look over the play list for both of them and review which one has the songs that you like or would like to sing to. I love the wireless microphone and can't wait for the patch to come out so we can use the wireless microphone on Rock Band. They are both good games in their own right also with Idol there is game play where lips you just sing. Good Luck
lips... no advertising endorsement
I'm with that AliG girl. Go with Guitar Hero.
I've heard Lips is better.
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