The creamy, medicated kind of Blistex helps the best.
Also, try using sunscreen or a creamy lipstick, and drink plenty of fluids to hydrate your lips.How do you get rid of chaped lips?
wear underpants
tube of chapped stick' or tube of coco butter
lipbalm, or like the person before me said, vaseline, always works!
..keep it moist.. ..i use nivea lip cream.. you can use any other lip balm to avoid chapped lips..
Time will do it, but prevent it with lip gloss, lip ointment and good old vaseline when the air is dry around you....
rub doggy doo doo on them...I guarantee you wont lick your lips.......good luck
try using vasiline, it always helps me. also the more you like your lips the worst it gets
Coco Butter Lip Balm
use chapstick- not exactly rocket science
i wear lipstick with moisturizer during the day time and i never get chapped lips. try it . its sure to help never mind even if you eat it, reapply again
some people use unsalted butter
olive oil
you can use vaseline or any cream you can pick up in your chemist/pharmacy/store or whatever!!
iof its really bad then go to the doc and see what he/she can do!! going to the doc doesnt have to involve a cancer scare!!! you can go for little annoying things like this, thats what you pay them for!!!
Vaseline does help. always use it before you go to bed. In the morning you need to exfoliate your lips, maybe with a new toothbrush to get the crusty skin off. But sometimes if you have crusty places on your lips it could also be yeast around your mouth and you have to use the antifungal cream around your lips.
Yea use vaslene it always works for me to or like use neosporeen and if it is realy bad use like the lip infusion, or take a hot wash rag. Or consider whereing nice casual scarf.
My mom is a Doctor and she sees this alot in kids. The thing you need to do is drink more water. The average person only drinks about 4 glasses a day. We should drink about 8-9. Drink at least 7 glasses of water a day for 1 week a your lips will be hydrated again. Also use chap stick, not the flavored kinda because that will create even more cracks in your lips. Use plain while drinking water and you should be fine.
ive lived in high altitude regions almost 75% of my life. The best thing is the Vicks Vaporub before u go to sleep, when u wake up just wash your lips normally. Then get som skin lotion y put some in your hand and kiss it. This will give the sensation that ur lips are wet but it will dry off in a few min. MOST importantly do not wet ur lips with u tongue, that just blows everything
I sue this really good stuff called softlips....its sold in the lip balm section but it works really good and it kinda looks like you have a light lip gloss on!! I love it! Good luck!!
Become single. lol.
chap stick
you truly don't get rid of chap lips. because with the weather that is constanly change you get them anytime of the year. i mainly get mine in the summer and winter. You buy chapsticks some places have diffrent flavors and desisins.
my area has where you can buy soda flover one such root beer, dr.pepper,mt dew and many other. you can also buy sun chap stick for the summer which is $2-$6 depending what spf you get.
Good old fashioned Chapstick works the best for me and it's relatively inexpensive. Lived in Montana most of my life and it gets cold and dry. Drink lots of water, and use a humidifier in your house. And don't lick or bite your lips.
I get chapped lips, too. There's some lip balm that can help, and I found out that lip balm that also acts as sunscreen for your lips helps a lot, too.
If you put lip balm on your lips, too (the unflavored kind, not the scented/flavored ones!), then you'll be less inclined to lick them. That only makes them more chapped, and no one wants to taste wax, so.
well same here.. do get chaped lips during the winter too.. i would always put on lip gloss espcially those glossy and sticky type but the best and the cheapest is still using vaseline.. i would always buy a bottle of it and put it in my bag and then i would like apply it on like every 30 mins... also drink more water and eat more fruits.... cheers!!! hope this works for you..
I bite off the peices sticking out my lips (even though that sometimes makes my lips bleed) then I put on chapstick. VUA-LAH!! Soft lips!! but you have to keep biting off the peices if they grow back. ;)
do not lick your lips, use vasaline, or go to a local drug store and look around for a good formula for chapped lips.
use lip balm and drink more water
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