%26amp; it's also a sign of dehydration.Does persistent dry cracking lips mean possible deficiency in something?
Sorry I forgot to add Source link:
check out this site, has lots of good info regarding alternatives it's worth looking up if you need it for other things in the future just type in words in search,eg dry lips)
thank you,with luvxx Report Abuse
Does persistent dry cracking lips mean possible deficiency in something?
Two cowboys were riding across the desert. Every so often one of the coqwboys dismounted from his horse, went to its rear, lifted its tail and kissed it. He then got back on horse. After several of these stops the other cowboy said 'Why do you keep doing that mate?' 'I've got chapped lips', said his mate. 'Is that a cure then?' enquired the 2nd cowboy. 'No, but it stops me licking them' said his mate.
Yes you need to drink more water.
Or stop skiing.
Probably a lack of moisture. Drink more water and use a good moisturiser
It could mean that you're dehydrated. Drink more water.
The most likely possibility is that your lips are drying unduly quickly.
The most common reason for this drying up is that you do MOUTH BREATHING and this happens when you have blocked nose as a result of a chronic sinusitis or nasal polyps.
You must be seen by an ENT professional. In the meantime use these lip ointment like Lipseal.
lack of water, also try putting some vaseline on before bed. that helps seal moisture in.
common sense?
don't lick your lips the constant wetting and drying that occurs with this causes chapped lips, and fast.
go onto this site it has loads of info
When you say you drink plenty of water, is it good quality water? Municipal water and purified bottled water contain chlorine, which can dehydrate you despite how much you drink. Try drinking spring or steam distilled water. I had chronic dry lips until I learned about this. Now that I only drink quality water, my lips are fine
Sore red areas at corners of lips can mean deficiency of Vitamin B12 and folate (red only is too much red wine lately!) - either not enough in diet or body not absorbing (lack of intrinsic factor in stomach secretions) but sorted with 3-monthly injections at doctor's after 2-weekly course of 6 jags - eat yer greens!!
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