Friday, August 20, 2010

I have red bumps(blister like) on the inside of my lips.?

I did research and they don't look or sound like cold sores(which I've never had). I've been using vasoline for 2 days and blistex for 1 day. They don't seem to be getting better....Any ideas or suggestions??I have red bumps(blister like) on the inside of my lips.?
If you really want to get rid of this quickly, go to your general doctor and they will diagnose what it is rather than having a bunch of strangers guess what you have. I am willing to bet that this is a cold sore outbreak because I had a similar problem and didn't realize what the blisters actually were.

Acyclovir is a prescription drug that helps prevent and/or heal an outbreak. The over the counter stuff is expensive and doesn't do a very good job in my book.

I'm enclosing a photo of an outbreak that might be similar to yours for reference.I have red bumps(blister like) on the inside of my lips.?
you may have a food allergy. go to an allergy clinic and have some tests done so something worse doesn't happen next time...
Sound like canker sours.

See a doctor, if you are in school, then see your school nurse.

Stop using Vaseline, that is not medicine, it is patrolian oil.
Apply hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab 3 times a day.
skip vaseline. stay away from acidic foods %26amp; drinks till they're gone, drink lotsa water, brush %26amp; floss daily, and see your dentist.

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