putting lip balm??My lips are cracking and peeling and really dry. How to make it better without taking medicine or?
Vaseline works wonders! Also, Blistex makes a great lip balm!My lips are cracking and peeling and really dry. How to make it better without taking medicine or?
let your tongue pass through your lips more often...
its the easiest way...
no medicine...
no lip balm...
u need sum carmax then... see what i do if my lips are like that i take sum carmax then take my lip gloss and put it on then my lips are fresh
Chap stick,Vaseline,and also drink lots of water....
HI you can try Vaseline every night and you will see difference .. But any good lip balm will do..Also try honey as it a good moisturisor
brown sugar and some olive oil 1 tsp of each mix them together and put on ur lips and than wake a few mins and wash it off ( it gets rid of the dead skin to make them nice and smooth)
well ur gonna have to use a lip balm
blistex or carmex are the best 2 you can use
i've heard vaseline works, but it doesnt taste too good...lol
make sure u get vitamin E in your body
not like an berry lip balm or not a any thing that is not recomended from the pharmasist get a real lip balm and put on as soon as you think your lips are getting chapped
Drink alot of plain water, stay away from coffee, alcohol, soda.
You might be somewhat dehydrated. You could try drinking more liquids. We generally get enough liquids in the food we eat but if you don't eat a balanced diet then you may not be getting enough fluid intake. If you have a habit of licking your lips or chewing on your lips that can also cause the problem you are having. Trying to heal the problem without using a topical ointment of some kind is difficult. If the issue is wearing the lip balm in public then only wear it at night when you are about to go to sleep. Caramex is excellent and if worn at night only will take care of the issue in about a weeks time if used faithfully.
Regular Blistex works wonderfully! Just the plain tube kind that comes in mint, berry, and original (berry is the best!). Avoid heavily medicated lip treatments as they can dry your lips out further.
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